⦁ Compare and contrast the mode of nutrition in amoeba and humans. Elaborate on the steps of nutrition in amoeba with the help of diagrams.

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Similarity between mode of nutrition in amoeba and humans:

Both of them digest food with the aid of digestive juices. In amoeba, Digestive juices are secreted into food vacuole and break complex food to simpler forms. Similarly in humans stomach and intestine produce juices which act on complex food material and change it to simpler forms.

Difference between mode of nutrition in amoeba and humans:

Amoeba can constantly change its shape. It forms finger-like projections called pseudopodia . around its prey and engulfs it. The food thus eaten gets trapped in the food vacuole. An Amoeba feeds on algae, rotifers, protozoans, and even other small Amoeba. Whereas Human beings take food through mouth digest and utilise it. Food is digested through many compartments as it passes through.

Nutrition in Amoeba : Amoeba consumes food with the help of pseudopodia. Pseudopodia are temporary finger-like projections of the cell surface, which fuse over the food particle. This results in the formation of a food vacuole.

It is inside this food vacuole that complex substances are broken down into simpler ones. These are then diffused into the cell cytoplasm. The remaining undigested material is thrown out of the cell surface.


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Amoeba is irregular in shape
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