Complete the following story-----two boys ram and Shyam were walking on the road. It was a deserted road.........please anyone complete this story of 250 words

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
Two boys Ram and Shyam were walking on a deserted road, they were late for a party they were supposed to be at. It was a shady path surrounded by trees. A light came through the darkness ahead. It was a car, it was coming towards Ram and Shyam. They both exchanged a surprised look. The car was coming right at them when suddenly it disappeared out of thin air. Both Ram and Shyam shocked for a second tab towards the point where the car disappeared. They looked around it was all dark again, as if the car never existed. Another beam of light came through. This time from their backside, a good look towards the light and they could tell it was the same car. It was coming towards them once again. Both of them shocked, saw the car disappear again.....

You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your
answer. You can also send us your answers here for feedback and required corrections 
if any.


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