Complete the given table

Complete the given table •mngino find Try the ndd any 01 'AtU.E 1.1 DEWI.OI'ME,NTAI. c.0M,s OF Categoo of Prosperous farmers from Pun.a who de-iwnd only on rain for A rural woman fmm • land owning family A (rom • rich urban A from a rich urban An from Narmada valley Goals / AspiratiOM of and their ehJJdmn; there dÄnrmna00n and they can in high family through their and through •nd should •ble to —•ttk uwir &ade •hat to •n W. studies abroad. Having Table I. let u. now examine it Do all of these persons have not.on development or prrv...? Most likely not. Kuch They seek fulfil cheo In

Farmers who depend only on rain for growing crops would expect better monsoon for more production of crops and more income.

Rural women from a land owning family would expect good expect better education for her children, more earnings from the land by giving it on rent.

Urban unemployed youth would expect better opportunity for education, a permanent white collar job, house to live in etc.

A boy from a rich urban family would either take up job, or pursue higher education abroad, have his own house and car etc.

A girl from a rich urban family would expect to get enough freedom to either pursue higher education or take up job.

An adivasi from Narmada valley would expect no social discrimination, education facilities, employment facilities and PDS ration shopetc.

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