​Consider the division of set A ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} by subsets {1,6} , {2,7},{3,8},{4},{5}.define a relation in A by R ={(a,b)}  a and b lie in the same subset of the division of A} .show that R is an equivalence relation 

R ={(a,b)} a and b lie in the same subset of the division of A} The elements of R are (1,6), (1,1),(6,1),(6,6),(2,7), (2,2),(7,2),(7,7),(3,8), (3,3),(8,3),(8,8),(4,4),(5,5) Now for any a, we have (a,a) element of R R is reflexive Also, for any element (a,b) in R (b,a) is also in R. So, R is symmetric. Consider, two elements (a,b) and (b,c) in R. We can see that (a,c) is in R. Thus R is transitive. Hence R is an equivalence relation
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