Consider the following equations of a cell reaction:
A + B → C + D             ;     E° = x volt, ΔG = ΔG1
2A + 2B → 2C + 2D     ;     E° = y volt, ΔG = ΔG2
(1) x = y, ΔG1 = ΔG2
(2) x > y, ΔG1 > ΔG2
(3) x = y, ΔG2 = 2ΔG1
(4) x < y, 2ΔG2 = ΔG1

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  • -15
x=y because E is an intensive property whereas G will b double because it's an extensive property.hence option 3 is correct
  • 20
Hope this helps!!🙂

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