Construct a right-angled triangle having hypotenuse if length 6.5cm. and one of whose acute angle memeasures 30 degree

Answer :

We know right angle triangle have one angle is 90° , and one acute angle is given as 30° , So

Third angle  =  180° - 90° - 30°  =  60°                                 ( From angle sum property of triangle )

Now we construct our triangle , As :

Step 1 )  Draw a line AB  =  6.5 cm 

Step 2 )  Now we take any radius and center A  draw and arc that intersect our line AB at P , Now with same radius and center is " P " draw another arc that meet our arc at " Q "  and now we draw another arc with center P and Q and these both arc meet at " R " Now we draw angle line AX  , as it passing through point " R "  ,

Step 3 ) Now we take any radius and center B  draw and arc that intersect our line AB at S , Now with same radius and center is " S " draw another arc that meet our arc at " T "  Now we draw angle line BY as it passing through point " T "  ,

And Where line AX and line BY meet we name it point " C " .

So this is our required triangle ABC , As :

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