"Conventional energy sources are the effective drivers for the social, economic and environmental progression of a country". Explain this statement with 6 points. 

Dear student 1).Conventional energy sources such as natural gas, oil, coal, or nuclear are finite but still hold the majority of the energy market. 2). The main advantages of conventional energy resources are that they are abundant and affordable. 3).Oil and diesel are still good choices for powering vehicles. Non-renewable energy is cost effective and easier to product and use. 4).The mining of non-renewable energy and the by-products they leave behind causes damage to the environment. There is little doubt that fossil fuels contribute to global warming. 5).The power plants based on renewable do not have any fuel cost and hence negligible running cost. Renewable have low energy density and more or less there is no pollution or ecological balance problem. Provide energy in environmentally benign manner. 6).No matter the time of the day or season of the year, we can rely on these energy sources. Also, during the extraction and transportation of these fuels, there is the creation of jobs for the locals making the economy grow. Regards

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