Convert 1-Bromopropane to 2-Bromopropane?

The Dehydrohaogenation of 1-bromo propane with alcoholic KOH gives propene which on again hydrohalogenation with HBr gives 2-bromo propane due to Markonikove's rule for addition.

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conversion of 2-bromo propane to 1-bromo propane
1. dehalogenation reaction:the bromine attached to the propane chain can be removed by reacting the compound with alcoholic caustic potash, i.e. alc. KOHCH3CH2CH2Br + alc. KOH -------> CH3CHCH2 + HBras the product we get propene and HBr
2. halogenation reaction:now on reaction of propene with HBr in presence of peroxide, will yield us 1 bromo propane.HBr in presence of peroxide, follows anti-markonikoff's rule and hence forms 1 bromo propane
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