cube root of 4913

 4913 = 17 x 17 x 17

so cube root of 4913 = 17

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Step 1:

The given number is 4913.

Step 2:

First we have to find factors of 4913.

Step 3:

The factor of 4913 is 17 x 17 x 17.

Step 4:

We have to form a thrice of each factor.

Therefore, 4913 is 17 x 17 x 17.

Step 5:

Now, we have to find one factor as of each thrice, we get 17.

Step 6:

Here, 4913 are obtained through three times multiplied with 17.

Step 7:

That is the cube root of a number 4913 is 17.

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i know it rey just for fun i asked by the way thnx

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?4913 = 17
  • 0
  • 0
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