Dear Expert Anushka Singhal, Please give your feedback on the above article and suggest some better vocabulary words and corections. 
Thanks a lot maam.... 

Dear student,

The article given above is a very nice attempt. However, here are a few changes that you can make:
  • Water is the most essential element for the existence and survival of human life on any planet.
  • Despite the fact that three-fourth part of the Earth is covered with water, only about two percent of it is categorized as fresh water and which is accessible or ready to use.
  • A research held at the University of Science, London has stated that by 2050 the entire fresh water reserve would be almost exhausted.
  • Moreover, in remote and arid areas people face ghastly situations due to lack of clean drinking water.
  • ...long distances to fetch water.
  • If water is not conserved, the day when the entire earth would become arid and lifeless is not far away.
  • ...importance to conserve water for future generations.
  • ...must be disseminated and understood.
  • ...curb activities that require excessive use or lead to wastage of water.

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this article is okey.. u can add your own points if you want..
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