Dear Experts, Do explain this underlined part,please! I'm having my BIO P.T.Tmrw!
Dear Experts, Do explain this underlined part,please! I'm having my BIO P.T.Tmrw! •meritnation Plant Growth and Development Live Classes Concepts Practice Te StS popular Revision Notes Format As ses s Paper Questicms o to m rch 11821ENCE ASK g ANSWER FEED ME v • Induce bolting (internode elongation prior to flowering) in beet, cabbage, etc. Cytokinins • Discovered as kinetin from autoclaved herring sperm DNA • Kinetins do not occur naturally. Zeatin - substance with cytokinin-like activity isolated naturally from corn kernels Physiological importance: • Promotes cytokinesis Synthesized naturally in regions undergoing rapid cell division For example, root apices, young fruits, etc, Helps to produce new leaves and chloroplast in leaves • promotes lateral and adventitious shoots; hence, overcomes apical dominance • Nutrient mobilization, which delays senescence of leaves TOPICS ENG

Dear student,

Zeatin is first discovered cytokinin hormone in Zea mays kernel. It is present naturally in it and is responsible for the growth of a plant. In coconut milk, it is one of the constituents present in the coconut milk.


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It is a substance released in plants with the help of cytokonin
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It is obtained from coconut milk etc.
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zeatin is a plant hormone derived from adenine. zeatin belongs to the family of plant growth hormones called cytokinins and was discovered in immature corn kernels and coconut milk..... i hope now you understand ... GOOD LUCK.. 
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