debate against the topic our country is clean and green .

Dear student 

The following question tests your creativity and should be attempted on your own. However, here are a few useful hints. 

Debate against the topic our country is clean and green

- Our country is not clean and green. 
- It is well known that more people in India have cell phones but not everyone has access to toilets. 
- As a result, a large per cent of the population defecate in the open, which in turn leads to environmental pollution. 
- Sacred rivers like the Ganga is slowly turning toxic due to the rotting animal and human corpses in it.
- The River Koovam in Tamil Nadu overflows with sewage and has killed all fishes that used to live in it. 
- We do not have proper garbage disposal either. 
- Garbage is picked up and tossed into landfills or worse; they are burnt, leading to air pollution. 
- Grasslands and trees are being rapidly cut down to make room for new buildings. 
- This is causing climate change, leading to unpredictable droughts and floods. 
- If we do nothing, our green country will turn into a barren polluted desert very soon.


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Many people are just concerned about their rights and forget about their duties. Recent swatch Bharat mission was an attempt to make us all recall the value of cleanliness. Not only will cleanliness help in keeping us healthy but it will help in beautifying our cities and country thus attracting, even more, tourist, eventually earning greater foreign exchange for our nation. So, cleanliness is most important for everyone. That's why we have supposed to keep clean our surrounding area. Becaz if we ignore this.
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