define clone, gemmule , conidia ,rhizome , tuber , bulbil , offset .

what is Water hyacinth ?

Clone: A cell, group of cells or an organism which have descended from and are genetically identical to a single common ancestor.  They are produced by asexual reproduction.

Gemmule: Asexual reproduction in sponges produces internal buds called gemmules which have a hard coating and are resistant to the hostile environmental conditions. At the advent of favorable conditions these gemmules produce new sponges. 

Conidia: These are asexual spores produced by specialized branches or hyphae of the fungus. They are borne externally to the cells which produce them. 

Due to paucity of time we cannot give answers to all your questions, however we have answered a few. Please study the rest yourself and if you still have doubts, we would be glad to help.

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CLONE - an organism or cell, or group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical.

GEMMULE - a tough-coated dormant cluster of embryonic cells produced by a freshwater sponge for development in more favourable conditions.

CONIDIA - a spore produced asexually by various fungi at the tip of a specialized hypha.

RHIZOME - a continuously growing horizontal underground stem which puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.

TUBER - a much thickened underground part of a stem or rhizome, e.g. in the potato, serving as a food reserve and bearing buds from which new plants arise.

BULBIL - a small bulb-like structure, in particular one in the axil of a leaf, which may fall to form a new plant.

OFFSET - A short prostrate shoot, which takes root and produces a tuft of leaves, etc.

WATER HYACINTH - a free-floating tropical American water plant which has been introduced elsewhere as an ornamental and in some warmer regions has become a serious weed of waterways.

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