define draught animals. mention the desired qualities which will be seen in a cross-breed between a brown swiss and a sahiwal ? what are concentrates in a cattle feed ?

plz....someone answer this

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{1}Cattles used for agricultural llobour such as tilling , ploughing , etc. are called draught animals.

{2} Desired qualities are :

  • Long lactation periods
  • Immunity and resistence from diseases
  • Healthy variety
  • Long life

{3} Concentrates are the food provided to the cattle which contains higher level of nutrients

  • 7
Animals are used for agricultural task like: tilling, irrigation ,carting. The Exotic breed switch and Sahiwal is taken for long lactation period they can be crossbred to get the animal with desired qualities the breathing can be done by both natural and artificial insemination . Concentrates in the cattle breed is slow in fibres but contain relatively high proteins and other nutrients
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