Define Holozoic nutrition???

Dear student, The process in which organisms obtain nutrition by ingesting solid or liquid food materials is known as holozoic nutrition.The steps involved in holozoic nutrition are 1=Ingestion – taking in food materials through mouth 2=Digestion – breaking down of food by enzymes 3=Absorption – necessary nutrients get absorbed in the intestine 4=Assimilation – the absorbed nutrients get mixed with blood and carried to the required areas 5=Egestion – unwanted and un digested matters come out of the body through anus. Regards

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The organism take a complexs food is known as. .....
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Thank u bro
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Holozoic nutrition?(Greek: holo-whole ; zoikos-of animals) is a type of heterotrophic?nutrition?that is characterized by the internalization (ingestion) and internal processing of gaseous, liquids or solid food particles. ... Ingestion: In animals, this is merely taking food in through the mouth.
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Thank u anas
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Holozoic nutrition is a method of nutrition which involves the ingestion of some complex organic substances that may be in solid or the liquid state
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