define matrix,lamella,stroma.

Matrix- Matrix may be defined as the ground substance that is found in animal or plant cells or in cell organelles like chloroplasts etc. It is present as a special fluid part which contain all the necessary enzymes and other material needed fro the functioning of cell or organelles. 

Lamella- Any structure in tissues or cells that is plate or disc like is known as lamella. For example in chloroplast, grana that is made by stacking up of thylakoids, are interconnected by inter granal lamellae.
 Lamella term is also used for the region between two primary walls of adjacent cells. It is known as middle lamella.

Stroma- In case of chloroplast, stroma may be defined as the colourless fluid that is present around the grana.
In reference to animal tissues, stroma may be defined as the connective tissue that is functionally supportive present  in cells, tissues or organs. For example stroma of ovary.


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