Nucleotide may be defined as an organic molecule which form the structural unit of nucleic acid i.e. DNA or RNA. A nucleotide consists of 

  • A nucleotide base (Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine)
  • A five-carbon sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose)
  • An phosphate group.

Nucleosomes can be defined as the repeating sub-units of chromatin consisting of a sequence of DNA coiled around the core of histones. Each nucleosome is a ball shaped structure consisting of eight histone molecules which are coiled around by two coils of DNA having at least 220 base pairs. They form the basic structural unit of eukaryotic chromosomes.

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nucleosome is a structure of a chromosome/chromatid. It is composed of eight protein molecules called histones wrapped around by DNA.

Nucleotides is the structure that makes up DNA. It is composed of a phosphate molecule, a pentose sugar molecule and one of the 4 nitorgenous bases i.e Guanine, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine.

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