Define the following:
a) Transitive verbs 
b) Intransitive verbs
(Make it sure that you will not write copied answer from internet)

Dear student 

A transitive verb is a type of verb that directly affects an object. 

For example: The boy kicked the ball. 

Here kicked is the transitive verb and the ball is the object. Since the ball is being kicked, the transitive verb is said to have a direct affect on the object. 

Other examples:
I ate food.
We opened the window

An intransitive verb does not affect an object directly. 

For example: The boy sleeps

Here sleep is not a transitive verb. This is because the verb sleep is not affecting anything. The action of sleep is performed, but it is not affecting the object in anyway. 

Other examples: 
​The dogs ran fast
He sneezed loudly. 


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