Define transitive verb and intransitive verb ????

Dear Student

Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action.
eg. I moved the table

Intransitive verbs are also action verbs but they do not have an object to receive that action.
eg. I cried.


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  • verbs that need objects to complete their meaning are called transitive verbs.
  • verbs that do not require any object to complete their meaning are intransitive verbs.
examples of transitive verbs:-
  1. shyam plays the guitar very beautifully.
  2. doctor gave some medicines to the patient.
examples of intransitive verbs:-
  1. the phone rings
  2. the tiger is the national animal of India.
hope this will help you.....
​​​​​​​cheers sneha....
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