definition of conventional and non-conventional energy resources

non conventional energy resources :

non conventional energy sources are those energy sources which are exposed to use from modern technologies advancements ; rather than the normal use of conventional fuels as energy sources like gas or oil.

Conventional energy resources :
Conventional sources are those sources of energy which are non - renewable and ecologically hazardous, for example - Coal, Petroleum, natural gas etc.
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 In simple words, Conventional Energy Sources are the energy sources which cannot be used again after using the resource OR which are non - recycleable OR one day or the other they may get exhausted. Eg: pertrol, diesel, and mineral oil. once we make use of these resources we cannot use them again. For eg: petrol we use in vehicles once used cannot get converted to liquify Pertroleum.


And for Non-Conventional Sources the defination is just opposite i.e. vice-versa. Eg; solar energy, wind energy ,etc. that is available in nature. solar energy can be used by us again and again.

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Energy generated by using wind, tides, solar, geothermal heat, and biomass including farm and animal waste as well as human excreta is known as non-conventional energy. All these sources are renewable or inexhaustible and do not cause environmental pollution. More over they do not require heavy expenditure.

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At present, there are several sources of renewable energy which are being tapped. These are commonly described as non conventional sources of eergy

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non conventional energy resources:

non conventional energy sources are those energy sources which are exposed to use from modern technologies advancements ; rather than the normal use of conventional fuels as energy sources like gas or oil.
Conventional energy resources :Conventional sources are those sources of energy which are non - renewable and ecologically hazardous, for example - Coal, Petroleum, natural gas etc.
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Conventional source of energy are generally non - renewable sources of energy and they has been use from ancient (long) time and are known to common people is called conventional source of energy
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Besides conventional sources of energy there arenon-conventional sources of energy. These are also called renewable sources of energy. Examples are Bio energy, solar energy, wind energy and tidalenergy.
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Conventional. Energy. Resource. Are. Those. That. Man. Has. Traditionally. Are. Conlmmonly. Used. For. Many. Decades. On. A. Large. Commercial. Scale. For. Generating. Power
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Conventional sources: conventional sources of energy are those which have been not use again
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Conventional Resources: Have been used for a long time ,exahaustible ,cause pollution and are expensive. Non conventional resources: Have been used for a very short time, inexhaustible, didn't cause pollution and is cheap.. Actually it is extracted from nature...
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