Delhi is so polluted. [change to exclamatory]

Delhi is so polluted. [change to exclamatory] QS DO as directed: a) Delhi is so pollutcd.(change to exclamatory) b) I usually read about sea voyages. (change to negative) c) am afraid that this news is too good to Be true. (ehanpe to d) This is so hot that I cannot drink it. (change into affirmative) e) December is the coldest month in India. (change the degree into comparaĆ¼ve) t) Who can become rich by adopting dishonest to assertive) g) As soon as the teacher entered the room, every boy was silent. qchange to negative) Q6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb in agreement "ith the subject: punished. (was' were) a) One of the boys . guilty. (is' are) b) Mohan as well as his friends - c) None but the children . rupees . . . admitted. were) a good sum. (is/ are)

Dear Student,

Exclamatory sentence-How polluted Delhi is! 


  • 2
Pollution in Delhi is growing at an alarming rate!

Hope it helps!
  • -1
Delhi is polluted at a very high rate !
  • 2
hope it helps
  • 2
Delhi is sopolluted!
  • 1
So polluted Delhi is! May it help!!
  • 0
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