Derieve The formula for the kinetic energy of an object of mass m and moving with the velocity v

Work=force?displacement this equation?

According to Newton's second law of motion

F =m?a this is second equation

By using second equation of motion we get ,

S = ut + 1/2 at?

U = 0
? ? S = 1/2 at? this is third equation

Put the values of equation second and equation third in first then we get ,

Work = m a ? 1/2 at?

W = 1/2 m ( at )? fourth equation

By using Newton's first equation of motion

V = u + at

U = 0

V = at

Squareing on both side

V? = ( at )?

Put the value 5th in 4th then we get

W = 1/2 mv? this is equation fifth

Kinetic energy = 1/2 mv?
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