describe a tumour using the terms differentiation, dedifferentiation, redifferentiation


In thisprocess, cells derived from root apical and shoot apical meristems and cambium differentiate and mature to perform specific functions.

Structural changes occur in plant cell (both cell wall and protoplasm).For example, cells develop strong, elastic, and lignocellulosic cell wall for long distance transport of water.


  • Process in which livingdifferentiated cells regain their capacity to divide

  • For example: Formation of meristems such as interfascicular cambium and cork cambium from fully differentiated parenchyma cells

  • Redifferentiation

    • Process in whichdifferentiated cells that have lost their ability to divide are reformed from dedifferentiated cells

    • Redifferentiated cells have the ability to perform specific functions.

  • Just like growth, differentiation in plants is also open since cells arising from same meristem may differentiate to form different structures depending uponits location.
  • -23
?If the cells of the tumor and the organization of the tumor?s tissue are close to those of normal cells and tissue, the tumor is called ?well-differentiated?.? These tumors tend to grow and spread at a slower rate than tumors that are ?undifferentiated? or ?poorly differentiated,? which have abnormal-looking cells and may lack normal tissue structures.?
  • -17
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