Describe Lemuel Gulliver as a narrator and an observer of new lands , people and their practices .

Lemuel Gulliver was a traveller by profession and an observer of places and people by nature which makes him apt for being the narrator of the novel. Gulliver, the son of a middle class family in Nottinghamshire, England, had studied medicine in England and Hollad, serving as an apprentice under a master surgeon. He had two great gifts, he was exceptionally smart and secondly, extremely interested in watching people, their manners and dispositions. He could navigate to different kinds of social circles due to his middle class and modest upbringing which lent him flexibility and respectability at the same time. He knew how to associate himself with the cultured upper classes as well conversely freely with the working classes. His perceptiveness would help him in becoming attuned to the differences in people and places around him. Gulliver would never flatter or belittle anyone, what he did was to engage with the people around him critically and not judge them but observe them. Gulliver was also vastly interested in languages, customs and traditions of different places which tells us a lot about the countries he comes across. He took a keen interest in human nature and that makes him the most appropriate narrator for a novel engaged in dissecting the fine idiosyncrasies and eccentricities inherent in human nature and culture. 

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