alauddin khalji muhammed-bin-tughlaq

1) he raised a large standing army to face the a deafeted mongols and raised a huge standing army mongol invasion. to capture rransoxiana.

2) he constructed a new garrison town called he emptied delhi of its residence and garrisoned his siri for his army. soldiers there.

3) soldiers were paid in cash. alauddin himself he paid salary in cash.

fixed prices and punished who violated his orders.

4) he was asuccessful administrator andfaced mongol his administrative reforms failed. additional taxes invasion with ease. led to revolt in the ganga plains

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in introduced a market control policy .in which shopkeepers had to charge the prices fixed by ala-ud-dinkhalji.

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Allaudin khilji :
He raised a large standing army
Built a new garrison town known as Siri
Paid soldiers in cash
Feed: kharaj -part of the peasant's produce
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Introduced Market control policy as well in which if the cost of a thing would be raised by the merchant.he would be punished
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He was the first delhi sultan to mentain a well equipped standing army.He paid his soldiers in cash and gave them horses of good breed.The horses were specially trained to prevent theft.A detailed description of each soldier was kept to prevent substitution
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Sultan Alauddin Khilji had introduced a healthy and systematic administrative policy in the Delhi Sultanate rule. His accession to the throne was not a peaceful one. ... Alauddin Khilji earnestly wanted to consolidate the authority of the monarch and to create a powerful army to protect it.
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he raised a large standing army to face the a deafeted mongols and raised a huge standing army mongol invasion. to capture rransoxiana. 2) he constructed a new garrison town called he emptied delhi of its residence and garrisoned his siri for his army. soldiers there. 3) soldiers were paid in cash. alauddin himself he paid salary in cash.
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