describe the bangle maker of firozabad how does that vicious circle of sahukar and middle man never allow then to came out of web of poverty

They are sahukars, middleman,policeman and politicians.All these form a vicious circle. Poor bangle makers have been trapped in it for generations.Now they have come to accept it as something natural.
  • -16
The bangle makers of Firozabad have spent generations working around furnaces. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. They sit around lamps welding glass, making bangles for all the women in the land.

These families are caught in the web of poverty. They are burdened by the stigma of caste. They believe that they are born to this caste and thus bangle making is a god given lineage, out of which they can never imagine a life. They cannot organize themselves into cooperatives for fear of the police. Individual bangle makers are always cought in the vicious circle of the middlemen and the sohukars. This vicious circle exploits them so much that they are left with so less money that they have only enough to engage in bangle making. They cannot afford to have two meals a day. Thus they live in abject poverty.

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Jjkkk I uuu oooo the way I did
  • -11
The workers in the bangle-making industries work in miserable conditions. They work in dingy cells with no proper light and ventilation facilities. They are exposed to extreme temperatures coming out of the furnaces. Moreover working in dark had made them adaptive to darkness than light this has caused many men to be blind at a young age, the dust coming out during polishing the bangles add more to it. Cuts and burns are common in this work. 
The sahukars, the money lenders, the policeman, the keepers of the law, the bureaucrats. Together have imposed the baggage on the child that he cannot put down. They cannot retaliate against them as they have no leaders to lead their cooperative and if they do so they would be beaten, hauled up and dragged to jail by the police.      
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