describe the first meeting of he narrartor with mrs dorling at 46 marconi street

The narrator was in search for her mother’s belongings, their household objects, which had been taken away by Mrs. Dorling for safekeeping. At first, she did not show any sign of having recognised the narrator. But the latter realised that she had come to the right place since Mrs. Dorling was wearing her mother's green knitted cardigan. Mrs. Dorling said that she had thought nobody of the narrator's family had survived the war, and that she had nothing left of her mother's belongings. She refused even to talk to her saying that it was not a convenient time. 

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After ringing the bell ofHouse Number 46 in Marconi Street, a woman opened the door. On being introduced,the woman kept staring at her in silence. There was no sign of recognition on her face. The woman was wearingher mother's green knitted cardigan. The narrator could understand that she had made no mistake. She asked the woman whether she knew her mother. The woman could not deny this. The narrator wanted to talk to her for sometime. But the woman cautiously closed the door. The narrator stopped there for sometime and then left the place.

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