describe the impact of Kalinga War on Ashoka .Discuss Ashoka's Dhamma

The following points may help you:

a. Ashoka has been considered as the greatest Emperor history ever witnessed.
b. Ashoka after the Kalinga war , gave up war as his policy and sought to spread the message of peace everywhere.
c, In looking into the massive destruction, bloodshed that the Kalinga war caused, Ashoka decided to give up war as the way of establishing control over people.
d. Instead, Ashoka pursued the policy of peace and began to spread message of Dhamma.

i. Ashoka's  principles of Dhamma , which is a Prakrit word, originating from the word Dharma,  aimed to instil a sense of tolerance among the people and to spread message of peace.
ii. It included principles like being generous, compassion towards servants, slaves, prohibiting animal sacrifise, it sought to promote non violence, engage in social welfare.
iii. These were thus edicts that became guiding philosophy and principles of  Ashoka,  
. He believed of using the ,message of Dhamma to win over people, rather than conquering through force. 
 v. Thus after the Kalinga war, Dhamma mahamattas were appointed to spread the message of dhamma among all.

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After seeing the seens of the Kalinga war, Ashoka was very unhappy with himself, He decided to give up war and go towards the path of peace. He became an asthetic (saint). 
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The Kalinga war had a great impact on King Ashoka's life because he felt responsible for all the death of the Kaligan warriors and their wives and kids.

The scholars believe that the Dhamma (the Sanskrit Dharma) which Ashoka tried to propagate was not simply the teachings of Buddhism, but it contained the noblest ideas of humanism which are the essence of all religions.

His pillar and rock edicts enlighten us about Ashoka’s idea of Dhamma. Dhamma has certain positive and certain negative aspects.

Among the positive aspect Ashoka laid stress on:

  • Daya (compassion),
  • Dana (charity),
  • Suchita (purity),
  • Sadhuta (saintliness),
  • Samyama (self-control),
  • Satyam (truthfulness) etc.
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the war of Kalinga filled Ashoka with sorrow. He was horrified to see the violence and bloodshed in the battle field.He become the only kink who gave up conquest after winning a war.
Dhamma is a prakrit word of the Sanskrit word dharma.Ashoka's dhamma did not include worship of a God , or performance of a sacrifices . He felt that just as a father tries to teach his children , he had a duty to instruct his subjects.
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