Describe the structure and function of vacules

mc bc loruchand
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A vacuole is an organelle in cells which functions to hold various solutions or materials. A vacuole is simply a chamber surrounded by a membrane. Because vacuoles are surrounded by semi-permeable membranes, they only let certain molecules through.includes a variety of membrane-bound sacs. The membranes are composed of phospholipids.Embedded in the membranes are proteins, which can function to transport molecules across the membrane or give it structure. 
 The expandability of the vacuole means an organism can gain or lose weight without too many cells being created or lost. 
Functions:Typically, their job includes isolating harmful materials, storing waste products, storing valuable water in a plant cell, helping maintain the pressure within a cell, balancing the pH of a cell, exporting products out of the cell, and storing proteins for seed germination.

Vacuoles also have much more involved roles to play in the cell, such as autophagy, supporting biogenesis and degradation of various structures, and thelysis of unwanted proteins. Scientists have even theorized that the vacuole plays a significant part in destroying bacterial intruders or storing helpful bacteria. 
Hope this helps..
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Check ur spellings plz..its VACUOLES ..!!
btw vacuoles are generally present in plant cells and occupy most of the space in it ..if present in animals ..then they are smaller in size.
Bigger in siza in plants because they r not locomotive in nature means that they can't move like us , so they store food within themselves sometimes .
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