Describe this picture.

Dear student,

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried
answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing
your answer:
  • This is the picture of a brown dog.
  • It is suffering from a situation known as bloat.
  • It is a situation when dog's stomach fills with gas or food or fluid.
  • It is an emergency situation.
  • The dog faces problem in breathing, Decreased blood flow to their heart and stomach lining.
  • The dog should be taken to a vet immediately.
  • Hot food, cold food, too much food,too many carbohydrates, and stress are some of the reason that causes  bloating.
You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your
answer. You can also send us your answers here for feedback and required corrections, if


  • 0
This image is of a bloated dog . 
  • 0
I need 10 points.
  • 1
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