described the role and deficiency symptoms of macronutrient n and
p and k in the plant

Dear student,
Role of Nitrogen in plant:-
1) Nitrogen is used in the synthesis of chlorophyll pigments.The chlorophyll pigments are essential for the process of photosynthesis for absorption of light.
2) Plants use nitrogen by absorbing it in the form of nitrate or ammonium from the roots of the plants.
3) Plants also use nitrogen to form amino acids. . These amino acids are the building blocks of Proteins.
4) Nitrogen is a component of the nucleic acid which forms the DNA.

Role of phosphorous in plants:-
1) Phosphorous is important constituent of DNA and RNA because it forms phosphodiester bond between nucleotides.

2) It is an essential component of ATP which is the energy currency of cell.
3) It is the component of enzymes and various molecules like phospholipid, phosphoprotein etc.
4) Phosphorous increases nitrogen fixation capability of leguminous plant.
5) It increases resistance to diseases.
6) Root, flower and seed formation is stimulated.

Role of potassium in plants:-
1) It helps in maintenance of cell turgidity
2) It is helpful in opening and closing of stomata
3) It is essential for maintaining cation - anion balance
4) It is essential for photosynthesis, respiration amd protein synthesis. 
5) It is helpful in maintaining membrane permeability
The deficiency of nitrogen causes stunted plant growth, loss of Chlorophyll leading to yellowing of leaves etc.
The deficiency of potasium causes stunted plant growth, loss of Chlorophyll leading to yellowing of leaves, premature fall of leaves etc. 
The deficiency of phosphorous makes the stalks appears thin and weak, stunted growth, short stature, purple veins may appear on the leaves, older leaves may appear bluish-green etc.



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