Describethe main agents of socialisation.

The mainagents of socialisation are as follows:

    (i) Parents

  • The socialisation of a child starts with the help of parents and other members of the family. Parents introduce the child to the society and provide the building blocks of socialisation.

  • Parents approve and discourage certain types of behaviour among children.

  • Parenting styles are based upon strategies that can be authoritative, authoritarian and democratic or permissive. They exert varying degrees of acceptance and control upon their children.

  • The parenting style is also influenced by conditions of life like poverty, illness etc. Grandparents and network of social relationships also socialise children through parental influences.

  • This agency has a direct and significant effect upon the child’s behaviour and personality.

    (ii) School

  • Schools provide children with an organised set up for interaction with teachers and peers.

  • Children in schools learn various cognitive skills, social skills, self-control, self-initiative, responsibility, and creativity and also internalise the norms set by the society.

  • Schooling therefore, can transform a child’s personality since children learn to become self-reliant.

    (iii) Peer group

  • Development of self-identity is greatly facilitated by the peer group.

  • Children not only learn to assert their own point of view, but also accept and adapt to those of others.

  • They also acquire qualities like sharing, trust, mutual understanding, role acceptance and fulfilment.

  • The interaction is direct, therefore the socialisation is smooth.

    (iv) Mass Media

  • Children learn about many things through television, newspaper, books and cinema. Adolescents and young adults often derive their models from them.

  • Children learn to form their own opinions and ideas with interaction to mass media.

  • However, this agency may also promote anti-social aspects that have to be avoided by the individuals.

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