Design an attractive poster with a catchy slogan urging the people to check deforestation and promote afforestation.

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Give an appropriate title for your poster. The title can be creative. You can use a rhetoric question as well. For
example: Imagine a world with no trees!
- Give a suitable picture or draw one. For example you can have a picture of a barren landscape, with no greenery!
- Add the picture of suffering humankind. This will bring about an emotive response from the viewer. 
- Catchy tag-line could be 'Plant a tree today to save your tomorrow!'/ 'Forests are the lungs of the Earth, preserve the forest cover for your own benefit.'
- Give the readers more information on how they can help. For example: "If you want to know how you can check deforestation, visit"
- A poster with attractive and colourful pictures, a catchy tag-line, clear information in bold lettering is an effective poster.

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