Determine the no. nearest to 110000 but greater than 100000 which is exactly divisible by 8,15 and  21.

The number which is divisible by 8, 15, and 21 is also divisible by the L.C.M of the number 8, 15 and 21. The L. C. M of 8, 15, and 21 is calculates as:

Thus, the number less than 110000 and nearest to 110000 that is divisible by 840 is 110000 – 800 = 109200

Now, 109200 is also greater than 100000.

Thus, the number nearest to 110000 and greater than 100000 which is exactly divisible by 8, 15, and 21 is 109200

  • 125

 take LCM of 8, 15, 21 which is 840

now all the no. which r multiple of 840 will be div. by 8, 15 ,21

now i think u can solve the question

  • 4
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