development of towns cannot takes place without development of villages.write two points supporting it and two points against it

It is true that ​development of towns cannot takes place without development of villages. The following points support the statement

a. Development of villages is necessary because it forms the major part of India. Nearly 80 percent of the population of India reside in villages.So, when the question of the development of nation comes then rural development should be included first. In absence of rural development, India cannot be considered as a developed nation.

b. Moreover, India is basically known as an agricultural country. Agriculture mainly happens in villages. Villages are the source of food economy but farmers are poor, there is lack of agricultural development. which has resulted in food shortage. To make India a  food secure nation, agriculture in villages has to be improved and for which capital investment is required.

The following points can be added against the above statement.

a. Towns and cities are the basis of industrialisation and employment. So, it requires more development and investment compared to villages.

b. Towns and cities also have rising population which has given rise to other severe problems like lack of housing, poverty, unemployment, pollution. lack of hygiene and water etc. So, development of towns and cities are bound to occupy primary position.


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The two points supporting it are -
1 Because the early stage of the town is village.
2 Because if a foreigner comes to a town and sees the bad developed village then it will make a bad impression.
The two points against it are -
1 If the town is the later stage of the village then it should be developed first.
2 If a foreigner comes to a town and sees the bad condition of the town then it will make a very  bad impression.

Hope Helps !!!
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