diff bw retrovirus and rhinovirus

The “rhino” in rhinovirus is derived from the Greek for “nose” and these viruses are the most common infective virus to cause the common cold in humans. 

A retrovirus is different because it inserts its genome into the host's genome. In this way, the retrovirus becomes part of your cells.
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While some (or most?) viruses are based on a little piece of DNA, retroviruses are based on RNA, which they then have to reverse-transcribe back into DNA (hence the prefix retro-, meaning "backward"). So the process is RNA → DNA → RNA → protein instead of DNA → RNA → protein.

The extra step causes more errors just like playing a game of "telephone" -- in other words, more chances to develop beneficial mutations that make them resistant to vaccines.

That's why retroviruses (like HIV) are so difficult to treat, and why we need a new flu vaccine every season. In fact, "HIV replicates its genome with the highest known mutation rate of any living organism."

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samir pls say the link from which u copied these
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A retrovirus is a virus that travels and tries to enter host cells with an RNA genome. the most common way the RNA genome is replicated is via the enzyme reverse transcriptase to make DNA out of its RNA genome. the DNA is then incorporated into the host's genome by an integrase enzyme. the virus thereafter replicates as part of the host cell's DNA. retroviruses are enveloped viruses that belong to the viral family Retroviridae.Rhinoviruses (from the Greek (gen.) "nose") are the most common viral infectious agents in humans and are the predominant cause of the common cold.Human rhinoviruses occur worldwide and are the primary cause of common colds. Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing and cough; sometimes accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headache, muscle weakness, or loss of appetite. Fever and extreme exhaustion are more usual in influenza.
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retroviruses cause aids whereas rhinovirus causes the common cold.
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