differeance between owners fund and borrowed fund oon the basis of 1 concept 2 duration 3 control in management 4 obligation 5 risk involved 6 priority 7 tax deductible 8 stability of earning ansssss plssss needed fast asap

Basis Owner's funds Borrowed funds
Concept Finance procured from owners of an enterprise Finance procured through loans or borrowings
Duration Firm can use these funds for a fairly long period of time These funds can be used for relatively shorter period as they have to be paid back after a particular period
Control in management Can exercise their voting rights to control management They have no voting rights
Obligation Obligation to pay fixed returns is not there in case of owner's funds Fixed rate of return is payable as an obligation on borrowed funds
Risk involved High risk is involved in these funds as their return is dependendent on profitability of the business  Low risk is there as these funds are usually backed with an asset as collateral security
Priority Dividends on owner's funds are paid after the interest payments to borrowed funds Interest on borrowed funds are paid prior to dividend paid on owner's funds
Tax deductible It is not tax deductible It is tax deductible
Stability of earnings Returns on owner's funds fluctuate with variations in the profitability of business operations. Returns are stable and consistent

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