difference between a) primitive subsistence farming b) intensive ​subsistence farming c) commercial farming   ( pls include all the points)

a) PRIMITIVE SUBSISTENCE FARMING:- this type of farming is practised on small patches of land with the help of primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks. Land productivity under this type of agriculture remains very low. This type of agriculture is practised in North-East states. b) INTENSIVE SUBSISTENCE FARMING:- this type of farming is practised with the help of modern tools and modern inputs. Land productivity under this type of agriculture is high. This type of agriculture is practised in northern plains. c) COMMERCIAL FARMING:- commercial agriculture is that practice of farming in which crops are grown for trade. This is practised on large farms. This is capital intensive. Modern technology and implements are used. For example: the production of sugarcane in Uttar Pradesh

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Commercial farming :- the process of farming of a single variety in large scale
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