difference between ac and dc current .(in tabular form)

Dear student

Hope it helps
Your truly

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 Ac current is alternating current 

dc current is direct current

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AC power is the one which can be fed to AC appliances , or the one generated from an AC generator , more inherently the power wave comprising of a sinusoidal shape , a crest and a trough passing through finite zeros in a periodic cycle. On the other hand a DC power , used for small appliances, have non zero wave structure , an approximate constant wave.

In more broader way:

1. DC Power is less controllable while AC power can be flexibly controlled.

2. DC Power transmission and conversion is a costly affair while AC power requires cheap mechanism.
I hope it help u..Mark as brainlist..

3. DC Power is hard to be accessed as our systems are totally based on 50Hz or 60Hz AC Power.

4. DC Power Generation equipments are less efficient as compared to AC power Generation Equipments.

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hope u got your answer.
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