Difference between: Dicot Root and Monocot Root, Dicot Stem and Monocot stem


a. Dicot and Monocot Root

Tissue organization





Has a single layer of epidermal cells, some of which protrude to form root hairs

Same as that of dicot root


Has several layers of thin-walled parenchymatous cells, with intercellular spaces

Same as that of dicot root


Single layer of barrel-shaped cells, without intercellular space, and contains Casparian strips (water impermeable layer consisting of waxy suberin)

Same as that of dicot root


Has thick-walled parenchyma

Initiation of lateral roots and vascular cambium during the secondary growth takes place in these cells.

Secondary growth is absent in monocots.


Small and inconspicuous

Large and well-developed

Vascular bundle

Single (Monoarch)

More than six (Polyarch)

b. Dicot Stem and Monocot Stem


 Dicot Stem  Monocot Stem
The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. This arrangement is a characteristic of dicot stem. They are conjoint, open, and have endarch protoxylem. The vascular bundles are scattered and closed with peripheral bundles being smaller than central. Phloem parenchyma is absent and water containing cavities are present.
Pith is present Pith is absent

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