difference between dicot stem and dicot root...

Dicot stemDicot root
1. Cells are thick walled.1. Thin walled.
2. Epidermal hairs are present and are multicellular.2. Unicellular root hairs are present.
3. Cuticle present.3. Absent.
4. Stomata present.4. Absent.
5. Hypodermis present.5. Absent.
6. Endodermis wavy, deposited with starch.6. Circular, contains casparian strips and passage cells.
7. Pith present7. Absent.
8. Xylem endarch.8. Xylem exarch.
9. Vascular bundles conjoint, collateral and open.9. Radial.
10. Medullary rays present.10. Replaced by conjunctive tissue.

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