difference between historians and archaelogists???

Historians Archaeologists
a. Historians are basically the scholars who study various past textual records, manuscripts, inscriptions etc. They are more concerned with practical work, involved in excavating, digging of historical sites,in studying objects, artifacts from history.
b. They may look for various forms of earlier writings that may give them a detailed account or information about a particular period. They make use of various objects like weapons, pottery , bones to get an understanding of history before writing their findings.

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Historian is a person wo studies and writes about the past and is ragarded as an authority on it.

Archaeologist is a person who studies ancient people, societies, cultures and the associated artfacts.

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The main difference about historians and archaeologists are -

Historians are person who are an expert in pasts .

Archaeologists are those who studies about prehistoric people and their cultures .

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