Difference between salary and wages

Dear Student,
(a) Wage is payment received by an employee in exchange for labour. It may be in goods or services or food during the labour and its improvement. As per the old custom, the wage is decided as per the hardship of the work, for example, a mason $100, a carpenter $110, a helper $60, a supervisor $80, or so. Besides, when once paid, the relationship of the worker and employer is over. But salary, is the form of money only, i.e., is paid or regular basis such a weekly, monthly along with related insurance plan and retirement benefits and it is fixed on the basis of category / nature of work.

(b) A person can get different wages in the same month depending on the work he does but a person can get only one fixed salary for a month.

(c) A person who earn wages has no fixed work whereas the person earning salary have a fixed post and a particular work schedule to do.

(d) Wage is paid only on the basis of the work done, irrespective of provision of work by the employer or not, but what the worker has carried out, whereas salary is paid every interval of week or month based on the schedule of work entrusted and not the work carried out.

(e) In terms of accounts, wages is direct expense and is included in trading account whereas salary is indirect expense and is included in profit and loss account.


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Meaning A fixed pay that an individual draws for the work done by him on an annual basis. A variable pay that an individual draws on the basis of hours spent in completing the certain amount of work.
Skills Skilled personnel Semi-skilled or unskilled
Type of cost Fixed Variable
Rate of payment Fixed rate Wage rate
Payment cycle Monthly Daily
Basis of payment
Performance basis Hourly basis
Paid to whom Employees Labor
Nature of work Administrative-office work Manufacturing-process work
(Key resultant area)
Yes No
Extra pay for extra hours No Yes
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