difference between simple and weighted mean

Dear student,

Simple mean refers to the average of observations, i.e. sum total of all the observations divided by number of observations.
Mean = Sum of observations / no. of observations
It give equal importance to all the items in a series.

Weighted mean is the average when different items of a series are given weights according to their importance. 
Weighted mean = sum of weights*value / total weight
It do not give equal importance to all the items in a series. 


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  • Weighted mean is an average computed by giving different weights to some of the individual values.
  • If all the weights are equal, then the weighted mean is the same as the arithmetic mean. Whereas weighted means generally behave in a similar approach to arithmetic means, they do have a few counter instinctive properties.
  • Simple mean is equal to the sum of all the values in a data set divided by the number of values in the data set.
  • Calculation of simple mean can be in three types: series-individual, discrete and continuous.In each series, it is calculated by using three methods: direct method, short cut method and step deviation method.
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