difference between speciation and evolution

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Speciation cause because of many factors such as
1)geographical isolation
2)Genetic Drift
3)Spatial Isolation
And because of speciation there is a evolution
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Speciation is the process in which one or more species arise from previously existing species. A single species may give rise to a new species or two different species may give rise to a new species.
Evolution is a wider term and involves speciation but it has other aspects too. Evolution is occurring every moment. When any organism reproduces sexually evolution takes place. Evolution means change and sexually reproducing  organisms change in every generation or we can say that they evolve in every generation. When these changes increase and accumulate in the organisms then speciation occurs. There could be various factors for speciation like geographical barriers or genetic variations.
Hope this helps! Cheers!=D
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speciation is the development of new species whereas evolution is the sequence of gradual change that takes place in primitive organism over millions of years resulting in the formation of new species
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