difference between temporary and permanent settlements

The Permanent Settlement, also known as the Permanent Settlement of Bengal (Bengali: Chirosthayi Bandobasto (চিরস্থায়ী বন্দোবস্ত)), was an agreement between the East India Company and Bengali landlords to fix revenues to be raised from land, with far-reaching consequences for both agricultural methods and productivity in the entire Empire and the political realities of the Indiancountryside. It was concluded in 1793 by the Company administration headed by Charles, Earl Cornwallis. It formed one part of a larger body of legislation enacted, known as the Cornwallis Code.

Permanent Settlement introduced first in Bengal and Bihar; and then to North district of Madras and district of Varanasi.

The other two systems prevalent in India were The Ryotwari System and The Mahalwari System.

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A settlement is a place where people live. A settlementcould be anything from an isolated farmhouse to a mega city (settlement with over 10 million people). Settlements can either be temporary or permanent. Temporary settlements include things such as refugee camps.
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