Differences between Harappan and mesopotsmian civolization

1. In Harappan civilization , the houses were built the east of citadel while in mesopotamian civilization, the houses were built around distinct palaces and temples & dedicated to the patron Gods or Goddesses.
2. Most of the Harappan people lived in small villages while most of the mesopotamians lived in cities and towns.
3. The Harappan people were peaceful in comparison to the mesopotamians
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1. In Harappan civilization , the houses were built the east of citadel while in mesopotamian civilization, the houses were built around distinct palaces and temples & dedicated to the patron Gods or Goddesses.
2. Most of the Harappan people lived in small villages while most of the mesopotamians lived in cities and towns.
3. The Harappan people were peaceful in comparison to the mesopotamians
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