Different parts of animal cell and their function

Nucleus - Large organelle near the centre of the cell. - The control centre for all activity. - Surrounded by a nuclear membrane.

Nucleoplasm - is the protoplasm in the nucleus. - contains genetic material ---> CHROMOSOMES (DNA)

Cell Membrane - the outer boundary of the cell. - it separates the cell from other cells. - ---> allows molecules to pass through.

Cyto Plasm - cell material outside the nucleus but within the cell membrane. - clear thick fluid. - contains all cell organelles.

Vacuoles - are clear fluid sacs that act as storage areas for food, minerals, and waste. - in animal cells the vacuoles are much smaller.

Mitochondria - power house of the cell. - centre of respiration of the cell. - they release energy for cell functions.

Ribosomes - tiny spherical bodies that help make proteins. - found in the cyt plasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Endo Plasmic Reticulum ( ER ) - systems of membranes throughout the cyto plasm. - it connects the nuclear membrane to the cell membrane. - passageway for material moving though the cell.

Golgi Bodies - tube like structures that have tiny sacs at their ends. - they help package protein.

Lysosomes - " suicide sacs " - small structures that contain enzymes which are used in digestion. - if a lysosome were to burst it could destroy the cell.

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 1.Ribosomes -small granules  structures scattered in the cytoplasm that acts as sites of protein synthesis.

2. Centrosome - this structure is only present in animal cells. the main funtion of centrosome is to initatie and regulate cell division .

3. mitochondria -These are tiny sperical or rod saped bodies . they are sites of energy production and are therefore,called the powerhouses of the cell .

4. nucles -

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Here are different parts of an animal cell.

Plasma Membrane - The outermost covering of the cell. It allows only certain materials in and out of the cell. Also known as selectively premeable membrane.

Cytoplasm - Fluid made up of many complex chemicals and also the home to organelles.

Endospermic recticulum - A large network of membrane bound tubes and sheets. It is of two types, Rough and smooth. Smooth ER helps in manufacturing of fats,lipids.Also serves as the channels of transport of materials

Golgi appratus - Discovered by Camillo Golgi. The functions are modification and packaging of products in vesicles.

Lysosomes - Also known as suicidal bags. It digests the waste particles tokeep the cell clean.

Mitochondria - Known as the power houses of the cell. the energy required for various purposes is released in the form of  ATP.

Centriole - Only found in animal cells. Helps in cell division

Nucleus - The biggest organelle inside cytoplasm. The main hub of cellular activities. It contains chromatin(which contain genetic material), Nucleolus etc.

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 4. Nucleus- cell nucleus is supposed to be the brain or the control center of the cell and thus one of the most important parts. It contains the genetic material i.e. the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and the chromosomes. The DNA is made up of nucleotides which eventually help in protein formation by the process of transcription and translation.

5.Enoplasmic rectuculm -It is a network of tubules and channlesand is involved in the synthesis , storage and transport of cell products .
lysosome -They are called  suicide sacs .Small structures that contain enzymes which are used in digestion.  If a lysosome were to burst it could destroy the cell.
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 6. Golgi appartus -Tube like structures that have tiny sacs at their ends.  They help package protein.

7.CytoPlasm  cell material outside the nucleus but within the cell membrane. clear thick fluid.  contains structures called organelles.

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