Different uses of microorganisms in daily life.

Micro organisms  are  useful  to  us  in  many  ways.  For  example,

  • Bacterium  Lactobacillus  convert  milk  into  curd.
  • Bacteria  are  also  involved  in  the  making  of  cheese.
  • Acetobacter  aceti  is used  for  production  of  acetic  acid  from  alcohol.
  • Yeast  is  used  for  commercial  production  of  alcohol  and  wine.
  • Antibiotics  are  manufactured  by  growing  specific  microorganisms.
  • Some  bacteria  fix  atmospheric  nitrogen  and  increase  the  soil  fertility.
  • Bacteria  are  used  in  the  preparation  of  medicines.
  • Bacteria  are  used  in  the  formation  of  pickles  and  many  other  food  items.
  • Yeast  is  also  used  in  baking  industry  for  making  breads,  pastries  and  cakes.
  • 81

1. Arigulture Industry: Used to describe the animals and plants and other organic materials to produce fertilizer.

2. Food Industry: Manufacturing Lounge, Tempe, Fermentation and Bread.

3. Medical Industry: Used in medicine and control infections.

  • 5
Icroorganisma aer also used in cleaning up of environment. For eg: the organic waste ( vegetable peels , remains of animals , faeces, etc .) are broken down into harmless and usable substances by bacteria .
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Microbes are useful for us in many ways in various industries.

Production of Foods 
Microbes are a key component in both home and industrial food preparation.      + Lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk and other fermented milk products. + Vinegars are produced by bacterial acetic acid fermentation. + Yeast is used in the manufacture of beer and wine and for the leavening of breads. It is also involved in fermentations to convert corn and other vegetable carbohydrates into ethanol to make beer, wine, or gasohol; but bacteria are the agents of most other food fermentations. + Other fermented foods include soy sauce, sauerkraut, dill pickles, olives, salami, cocoa and black teas.
  • 11
Microbes are useful for us in many ways in various industries.

Production of Foods 
Microbes are a key component in both home and industrial food preparation.      + Lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk and other fermented milk products. + Vinegars are produced by bacterial acetic acid fermentation. + Yeast is used in the manufacture of beer and wine and for the leavening of breads. It is also involved in fermentations to convert corn and other vegetable carbohydrates into ethanol to make beer, wine, or gasohol; but bacteria are the agents of most other food fermentations. + Other fermented foods include soy sauce, sauerkraut, dill pickles, olives, salami, cocoa and black teas.
  • 19
bacteria and yeast is used in medicines
yeast is used in bakeries some microorganisms are used in leather industry
  • -7
Dear Student,
  • -7
To make antibiotic such as Penicillium.
  • 3
Micro organisms are used in many places.Some are harmful which can cause diseases and can kill a person and some are not harmful and are used in making cheese, setting up curd , some micro organisms helps in nitrogen fixing which led to a healthy crop , some micro -organisms helps in making the cake spongy, some micro organisms also helps as to save the life of a person, etc .
  • -3
Its use for making jely,cake,idli and they are adeded in some medicin to kill bad bactaries
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Micro organisms are use on set curd , to make the cake spongy , some microorganisms also helps as on fight against diseases , they helps as to clear our environment ,they also helps in the production of alcohol ,
  • -2
Hey i knoe that
  • -10
Don't know
  • -9
medicines beverages eatables etc
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  • 1
lactobacillus bacteria is responsible for making milk into curd.they are also clean up te envioronment dy decomposing wastes
  • 8
Microorganism is very useful in daily life For example Lactobacillus is very useful microorganism for the formation of curd. It multiplies in milk and converts it into curd. There are many uses of microorganism in our daily nead in our life . Some microps present in plant root i.e Rhizobium . Some microorganism are Friend and some Foe
  • 33
Microorganism prsent in homematerials and medicines and environment cleaning and preparation of curd . Bread and cake etc
  • -2
uses of microorganisms are:-
making delicious food
growing legumes
brewing beer,liquor and wine
killing insect pests
treating sewage
contributing to medicine
making in biodegradable plastics
making of manure
making balance in a human body
in industries
improving agriculture
in air [degradation of dead cells shed]
symbiotic relation

  • 11
They are used in diffrent ways
1.it is essintal to make curd from milk
2.they are important to decompose stool,etc
3.they are important to digest food
  • -2
its helps in making curd,it helps in making alcohol and beer,used in baking industries etc
  • 1
Microorganismsare used in various activities in our daily to daily life for example 1? some bacteria and bluegreen algae are friendsof farmers they used to trap nitrogen and convert into nitrogenous compound in the nodules of leguminous plant 2?lactobacillus bacteria formationofcurd 3?some bacteria and algae used to make antibiotics
  • 2
Its correct
  • -2
  • -15
Microorganisms are used for many purposes:-
Preparing curd using lactobacillus.
Yeast is used for making food and alcohol.
Red alga is used for the preparation of agar agar
Some bacteria like rhizobium are one of the factors which increase soil fertility.
Treatment of sewage in WWTP also includes bacterial activity like Pseudomonas.
Fermentation is also done by yeast in which sugar is converted into alcohol.
Antibiotics are obtained from fungi and bacteria.
  • -3
  • In preparation of food items such as curd,bread and cheese.
  • In industry to produce alcohol,wine and vinegar(acetic acid).
  • In agriculture to increase soil fertility by nitrogen fixation.
  • In preparation of medicines such as antibiotics and vaccines.
  • For cleaning the environment.
  • In sewage treatment.
  • As a source of food.
  • -3
The process of providing or obtain the food necessary for our health and growth
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Micro organism used to making curd and they also help for making medicine for example vaccine .they also helped to fertile the soil and they also clean the envionment
  • -3
1. Lactobacillus bacteria helps in setting of curd. 2. Renin bacteria is used in the production of cheese. 3. Yeast is commonly used in making food items like bread, cake, idli, dosa and dhokla. 4. Yeast is also used in the commercial production of alcohol and wine. 5. Rhizobium bacteria and blue green algae help in the fixation of nitrogen into the soil. 6. Certain bacteria and fungi are used in the synthesis of vaccines. 7. Fungi and bacteria are used to prepare antibiotics. 8. Microorganisms help to keep our environment clean by decomposing dead plants and animals. 9. Some organisms are used for producing biogas. 10. They are also used in the biological treatment of sewage.
  • 3
I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯 I know this I am in 3 class but I am the best I am the best 👍💯
  • -13
It is use in making bakery,medicinal purposes for making curd by a microorganism namely lactobacillus
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What is this shubhangi raj hoe i know that
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It means protecting the food grom bacteria
  • -2
=>Microorganism like bacteria and fungi are used in the preparation of many food items like curd-(lactobacillusor streptococcus),bread-(yeast), cheese-(bacteria). =>they are used in industry to produce alcohol, wine and vinegar (acetic acid). =>they are used in agriculture to increase soil fertility by nitrogen fixation. =>they are used in the preparation of medicines such as antibiotics and vaccines. =>they are used for cleaning the invironment. =>in sewage treatment . =>And as sources of food.

  • -5
Microorganisms are useful in many ways-1. Lactobacillus is a bacterium that helps in the formation of milk. Some other microorganisms like fungi and bacteria also used in the formation of cheese. 2. Fungi like yeast is used in baking industries for fragmentation process. 3. Some microorganisms are used in making alcohal,wine etc.
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Carriers are insects which sit on ucovered food patogens microbes are stick to there body. When these insects sit on uncovered food the food get spoiled and Pearson eating that contaminated food could be ill
  • -3

they are useful in ;
  • .making medicines and vaccines
  • making milk to curd
  • production  of tea,coffee and cocoa
  • yogurt is prepared by adding lactobacillus bacteria to milk
  • -3
lactobacillus helps in the conversion milk into curd
  • -2
commercial use-1.they are used to make alcohol.
2.they are used to make bread.

medicinal use-1.they are used to make antibiotics.
2.they are used to make vaccines.

domestic use-1.they are used to make curd.
2.they are use to make idli/bhature.

agricultural use-1,they are used to increase soil fertility.
2.they are used for nitrogen fixation.
  • -4
Bacteria and yeast helps us to making medicine
  • -2

whatever we eat , wherever we go ,wherever  we stay we are all surrounded  by microorganisms .
  infact we ourselves are also made from microorganisms
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For making curd ,cake,chole bhatture, and also for making wine
  • -4
many things for making alcohol  bevrages , toothpaste vaccines now a days many types of microrganisam commercial uses 
making curd  fix nitrogen tiv viruse is also used as biooweddicide and many other uses
  • -2
Production of Foods?
Microbes are a key component in both home and industrial food preparation.? ? ? + Lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk and other fermented milk products. + Vinegars are produced by bacterial acetic acid fermentation. + Yeast is used in the manufacture of beer and wine and for the leavening of breads. It is also involved in fermentations to convert corn and other vegetable carbohydrates into ethanol to make beer, wine, or gasohol; but bacteria are the agents of most other food fermentations. + Other fermented foods include soy sauce, sauerkraut, dill pickles, olives, salami, cocoa and black teas.
  • -2
Can 1 help me It's a question of physics

  • -3
Microorganisms are helpful to us in many ways.
lactobacillus is a type of bacteria used for converting milk into curd and alos milk into cheese.
yeast a type of fungi is used to make cake, bread and dhokla and yeast is also used to manufacture alcohol and alcoholic drinks.
substances from algae are used to thicken jellies and ice-creams.
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  • -3
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is the term used for a process in which nitrogen gas (N2) from the atmosphere is incorporated into the tissue of certain plants. Only a select group of plants is able to obtain N this way, with the help of soil microorganisms. Atmospheric fixation:-The production Of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) by lightning flashes has been computed from a model of gaseous molecular reactions occurring as heated lightning-channel air cools by mixing with surrounding ambient air. The effect of ozone (O3) on the production of nitrogen oxides has also been investigated in this model and it has been found that the O3oxidizes NO to NO2 mainly at the end of the cooling process. The maximum total global production rate of nitrogen oxides by lightning is estimated to be ∼6×1027molecules per second, or 14.4×106 tonnes of NO2, per year.
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It is used to make antibiotics which is very helpful
  • -4
very very good question
  • -1
lactobacillus bacteria help make curd from milk.
bacteria act upon tough meat and make it soft.
yeast are used in the baking industries for making breads,pastries and cakes.
yeast is also used in day to day household food items like idly and dosa.
algae like chlorella and sea weeds are used as food.
yeast is used for commercial production of alcohol,beer,wine and acetic acid.
bacteria are used in the production of tea,coffee and tobacco and in the production of certain acids like lactic acid,citric acid and acetic acid.
bacteria and fungi are used to produce medicines.
microorganisms are used in the production of vaccines.
rhizobium bacteria  and blue-green algae helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen  as nitrates. 
it helps in cleaning the environment.
  • -3
Microbes on Human Life Because of the presence of microbes in all walks of human life, there is a constant interaction of the microbes on human life. The vast majority of the bacteria in the body are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, and a few are beneficial. In fact, the relationship between microbes and humans is delicate and complex. Benefits Of Microbes PRODUCTION OF FOODS

Microbes are a key component in both home and industrial food preparation.

  • Lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk and other fermented milk products.
  • Vinegar are produced by bacterial acetic acid fermentation.
  • Yeast is used in the manufacture of beer and wine and for the leavening of breads. It is also involved in fermentations to convert corn and other vegetable carbohydrates into ethanol to make beer, wine, or gasohol; but bacteria are the agents of most other food fermentations.
  • Other fermented foods include soy sauce, sauerkraut, dill pickles, olives, salami, cocoa and black teas.
  • -1
Mainly for Fermentation and for turning Milk into Curd.
  • -1
There many uses too
  • -1
* Lactic acid bacteria are used to make yogurt , cheese, sour cream , buttermilk and  other fermented milk products.
*Vinegar are produced by bacterial acetic acid fermentation.
*They help to reduce atmospheric  nitrogen and transform it in ammonia important for agriculture.
*Vaccines are substance derived from microorganisms and are used to immunize against disease. The microbes that cause of infection disease are usually the ultimate source of vaccines
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Bacteria are used in food and baking industry, it's used for fermenting curd and is used for medicinal purposes... Bacteria are used for making antibiotics...
  • -2
Microorganisms , especially some those who act as decomposers help in cleaning the environment. The biological nitrogen fixers like bacteria rhizobium and blue-green algae help in enriching soil with nitrogen. Acetobacer , a bacteria converts the alcohol into vinegar in prescence of oxygen. Lactobacillus turns the milk into curd. Yeast helps in making bread and cakes in baking industry as well as is used for commercial production of wine. Insulin is acted upon by a bacteria to procees glucose. Microbes also are used in making of antiobiotics and even dead and weakened but alive pathogens of a disease are used to make vaccines .
  • -2
For making milk into curd
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  • -2
Mocroorganisms are useful for us in various ways,such as :
They help to convert milk into curd.
They are used in various medicines.
They are also used in various food factories,etc.
Hope it would help
  • -1
Bacteria are used to produce vaccines, antibiotics and other drugs that fight infections. Antibiotics kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Although antibiotics are not effective against viral infections, such as the common cold, some bacteria have been discovered that can help resist viruses. Vaccines are designed to help the body's immune system fight diseases.
We come into contact with a lot of bacteria through the food we eat. Bacteria are used to make products like bread, beer and cheese. It is possible these bacteria not only make food taste good, but also are good for us. Probiotics is a process in which friendly bacteria are added to foods like yogurt and chocolate.

he human body contains 10 times more bacteria than cells. Bacteria help the body with functions like digestion, immunity and keeping potentially harmful bacteria like E. coli from making us sick. Bacteria helps synthesize vitamins like biotin, vitamin K and folic acid.
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microorganisam was very useful it makes milk to curd amd makes alchol
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Microorganisms are very important for us e.g yeast it is use for make bread,cake etc
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Used in making medicine
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Used to make medicine
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Some uses of microorganisms
  1. Yeast is use in making bread,idli,dosa e.t.c
  2. microorganisms makes soil fertile.
  3. they decompose the dead material and clean the environment.
  4. they are used in tanning the leather.
  5. lactobascillus bacteria keep in preparing of curd from milk.
  6. rhizobium bacteria  and blue - green algae help in nitrogen fixation in plants.
  7. microorganism like fungi and bacteria are used to make antibiotics.
  8. vaccines for several diseases are also produced from  the toxins prepared bymicroorganism.
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Antibiotics are substances produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microbes. They are used in the treatment of infectious disease. In nature molds such as Penicillium andbacteria?such as Streptomyces andBacillus?produce antibiotics.
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They are used for marketing bakery products and used in making medicens
  • -1
Bacterium lactobacillus convert milk into curd; Bacteria are also involved in making of cheese; Yeast is used for commerical production of alcohol and wine; Some bacteria fix nitrogen and increase the soil fertility; Bacteria are used in the preparation of medicines; Yaest is also used in baking industry for making breads,pastries and cakes; Bacteria are used in the formation of pickles and many other food items; Make antibiotivs such as penicillium; Yeast is commonly used in making food itema.
  • -1
microorganisms are used as following in daily life .
  • Preparing curd
  • Certain red algae are eaten in China Japan . They are sold as papery sheets .
  • Yeast are used in fermentation . They are also used for making of alcohol .
  • Bacteria are used in tanning or processing of leather .
  • Anti biotics are a whole group of medicines which are obtained from certain bacteria .
  • Bacteria living in the roots of leguminous plants convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds which palnts can use .
  • Medicines like penicillin are obtained from moulds .
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1.propionibacterium sharmanii for preparation of swiss cheese. 2.candida lipolytica for formation of detergents. 3.penicillium for formation of antibiotics
  • -1
1) In making curd and cheese
2) Nitrogen fixation
3) In making vaccine and antibiotics
4) In cleaning the environment
5) In making cakes , bread , idli , dhokla
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Uses of microorganism
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For example foods like bread, beer and cheese are produced with the help ofyeast. Similarly?bacteria?are involved in the production of butter, yogurt, many kinds of chocolates, coffee and other foods of daily life. Microorganisms like years are also used to prepare beverages like alcohol e.g. Beer, wine.
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bhhavvxzbxjxkxbx x
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Microorganisms are useful to us in various ways like : (1) Conversion of milk into curd by the action of " lacto bacillus" bacterium .(2) Yeast is used in the process of fermentation where it increases the volume of dough .It is also used in preparation of Alchohol.(3) Pennicilium is used as a antibiotic.
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Please find this answer

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Microganisms can derive energy from carbohydrates alcohols and amino morphologies the exploit the ambient forcesvinbtheir surroundimgs
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By virus
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foods like bread, beer and cheese are produced with the help ofyeast. Similarly?bacteria?are involved in the production of butter, yogurt, many kinds of chocolates, coffee and other foods of daily life. Microorganisms like years are also used to prepare beverages like alcohol e.g. Beer, wine.
  • 1
  • 1
1. Yeast is used in the making of bread 2.yeast is also used in the making of alcohol 3. Bacteria and fungi are used in the antibiotic 4.they are also used for vaccines
  • 0
Lactobacillus bacteria milk gorm into curd.
  • 0
Micro organisms? are? useful? to? us? in? many? ways.? For? example,

Bacterium? Lactobacillus? convert? milk? into? curd.
Bacteria? are? also? involved? in? the? making? of? cheese.
Acetobacter? aceti? is used? for? production? of? acetic? acid? from? alcohol.
Yeast? is? used? for? commercial? production? of? alcohol? and? wine.
Antibiotics? are? manufactured? by? growing? specific? microorganisms.
Some? bacteria? fix? atmospheric? nitrogen? and? increase? the? soil? fertility.
Bacteria? are? used? in? the? preparation? of? medicines.
Bacteria? are? used? in? the? formation? of? pickles? and? many? other? food? items.
Yeast? is? also? used? in? baking? industry? for? making? breads,? pastries? and? cakes.
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Change of milk to curd (lactobacillus)
  • 0
Lactobacillus change milk to curd then making cheese
  • 0
Lactobacillus changes milk to curd
  • 0
tremendous cells in our body
  • 0

  • -1
1)microorganism help to form curd into milk due to the formation of lactobacillus 2)microorganism is used for making , baking , pickiling and wine makeing and other food proceses 3) microorganism play an important role in the preparition of medicines like antibiotic and vaccinted etc 4) yeast is used for making idlies bread mould etc
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They are helpful in many ways :- They help in preservation of food , help in production of alcohol ,fixing of nitrogen , and in increasing soil fertility
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Many use since older times
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1..In agriculture
2..Bacteria are useful in tobacco.leather and jute industry
  • 0
Bacteria? are? used? in? the? preparation? of? medicines.
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Please find this answer

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The use Microorganism are as follows
=It is used for making bread.
It is used for production of alchohol,vineger,wine
It is used for production of curd
It is used for production of antibiotics
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you must aware of fact that population of tiger is declining day by day or we can say they habe become an endangered species. the govrnment has started certain conservation programmes that aimed at saving tigers. the project tiger was launched on 1st april 1973.
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microorganisam is use in many ways microorganisam help in production of food items , making medicines, keeping environment clean
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(1) Alcoholic fermentation by yeast is widely used in the preparation of wines and bread (2) microbes are used to reduce pollution (3) lactobacillus is used to form curd from milk (4) microbes also play an important role in the preparation of medicines (5) bacteria present in our intestine help in proper digestion and release vitamin B which is absorbed by intestine
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in easy way we can tell ●preparing yogurt ●preparing bread ●preparing alcoholic beverages ●nutritional supplements ●medicines ●agricultural uses ●environmental uses
  • 0
Micro organisms such as yeast grow on bread. Certain amount of yeast in bread is essential as, the bread nreds to br a lityle soft. So yeast as a micro organism helps in making bread softer. Micro organis like lactobasilus is a bacterium in curd which helps cure indigestion. But some organisms like virus and fungi are harmful for the body
  • 0
Bacterium? Lactobacillus? convert? milk? into? curd.

Bacteria? are? also? involved? in? the? making? of? cheese.

Acetobacter? aceti? is used? for? production? of? acetic? acid? from? alcohol.

Yeast? is? used? for? commercial? production? of? alcohol? and? wine.

Antibiotics? are? manufactured? by? growing? specific? microorganisms.

Some? bacteria? fix? atmospheric? nitrogen? and? increase? the? soil? fertility.

Bacteria? are? used? in? the? preparation? of? medicines.

Bacteria? are? used? in? the? formation? of? pickles? and? many? other? food? items.
  • 0
It can be used in making dough,
In fermentation also
  • -1
Microorganism is very useful in daily life For example Lactobacillus is very useful microorganism for the formation of curd. It multiplies in milk and converts it into curd. There are many uses of microorganism in our daily nead in our life . Some microps present in plant root i.e Rhizobium.

If you like give a smile face plz
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Agricultural use Medicinal use Commercial use
  • 0
Commercial use Medicinal use Making of food items
  • 0
Medicinal uses
  • 0
Antibiotics, preparation of food
  • 0
Preparing food
  • 0
The different uses are
Lactobacillus is used in formation of curd.
Rhizobium and Azatobacter fixes and increase level of oxygen in soil.

  • 0
Microorganisms are used for the following :-
1) Preparation of Alchol , wine and bread.
2) Preparation of curd , cake and vinegar.
3) Making of vaccine .
4) Making of antibiotics .
5) Cleaning up the environment .
6) In agricultural they are used to increase soil fertility by fixing nitogen .
  • 1
Microorganisms?and its?uses

Production of dairy products:?Bacteria?are the key players here. ...

Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making bread to bring about the required fermentation.

Alcoholic Drinks: ...

Organic acids: ...

Enzymes: ...

Steroid production: ...

Help in sewage treatment: ...

Used?as insecticides:
  • 0
1. They are used for making medicines. They are used for making alchohol. A bacteria called rhizobium is present in the root nodules of leguminious planys which is used for fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
  • 0
Decomposition of organic matter it helps in cleaning environment also

It is also used for making medicines

Some bacteria as like yeast is used for conversion of sugar into alcohol yeast is also used for making some dishes as like chhola bhatura etc

Lactobaccillus bacteria also helps to form curd the curd which we eat is fully bacteria
  • 0
bacteria help in nitrogen fixation
yeast helps to make pizza doughs and breads
  • 0
Which is the smallest microbe
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Different uses of microorganisms are-
They are used in making vaccines
They are used in making medicines
They are used in the process of fermentation
Microorganisms like yeast help in making wine.
They are used in the production of curd.
They help in seewage treatments
They help in the process of decomposition.
They make the soil fertile by making it pours.
They are also used as insecticides.
  • 0
Hii. The first uses of microorganisms. Is for making curd formation
  • 0
1.lactobacillus bacteria help in converting milk into curd
2.yeast helps in making soft, light and fluffy bread
  • 0

Microorganisms are useful to us in many ways.  For  example,

  • Bacterium Lactobacillus convert milk into curd.
  • Bacteria are also involved in the making of cheese.
  • Acetobacter acetic is used for the production of acetic acid from alcohol.
  • Yeast is used for commercial production of alcohol and wine.
  • Antibiotics are manufactured by growing specific microorganisms.
  • Some bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen and increase soil fertility.
  • Bacteria are used in the preparation of medicines.
  • Bacteria are used  in  the formation of pickles and many other food  items.
  • Yeast Yeast is used  in  baking  industry  for  making  breads,  pastries  and  cakes.
  • 0
Please find this answer

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Microorganisms are used in medicine
In alcohol, wine, cakes, breads etc
  • 0
microorganisms are good for us in many ways like relation alcohol and producing do for your Chile bhature
  • 0
Hope you are having a good day
1- production of Yeast
2- making of curd
3- hope you are satisfy Ed by the
  • 0
Please find this answer

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What is crop
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What is vestigial organ
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We use microorganisms in making bread, alcohol and medicines
  • 0
Microorganisms are helpful in a number of ways:
1,In industries:-To produce alcohol,wine and vinegar.
2.In agriculture:- To increase soil fertility. 
3In medicines:- To produce antibiotics and vaccines.
4 For making curd ,bread, idli ,dosa, cake etc.
5 For cleaning the environment.
6 As food.
  • 0
There are many different uses of microbes in daily life. Some of theme are as follows:-
*Curd making
*Fermentation in bread and dhokla
*Seperation of fibers
*Making of alcohol
  • 0
Use # 1. Production of Antibiotics
:Use # 2. Production of Dairy Products:
Use # 3. Production of Alcoholic Beverages:
Use # 4. Production of Bread making:
Use # 5. Production of Food Yeast
:Use # 6. Production of Organic Acids:
Use # 7. Production of Vitamins
:Use # 8. Production of Enzymes:
  • 0

Micro organisms  are  useful  to  us  in  many  ways.  For  example,

  • Bacterium  Lactobacillus  convert  milk  into  curd.
  • Bacteria  are  also  involved  in  the  making  of  cheese.
  • Acetobacter  aceti  is used  for  production  of  acetic  acid  from  alcohol.
  • Yeast  is  used  for  commercial  production  of  alcohol  and  wine.
  • Antibiotics  are  manufactured  by  growing  specific  microorganisms.
  • Some  bacteria  fix  atmospheric  nitrogen  and  increase  the  soil  fertility.
  • Bacteria  are  used  in  the  preparation  of  medicines.
  • Bacteria  are  used  in  the  formation  of  pickles  and  many  other  food  items.
  • Yeast  is  also  used  in  baking  industry  for  making  breads,  pastries  and  cakes.
  • 2
It helps you

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Production of dairy products:?Bacteria?are the key players here. ...Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making bread to bring about the required fermentation.Alcoholic Drinks: ...Organic acids: ...Enzymes: ...Steroid production: ...Help in sewage treatment: ...Used?as insecticides:
  • 0
1. Curd and cheese formation. 2. Fermentation process in bakery. 3. Alcoholic Beverages.
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Bacteria is used to make pickles.
Algae are a potential source of food for all human beings.
Fungi and bacteria are used to make antibiotics.
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Microorganisms are used in our daily life for example turning milk into curd. Etc.
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Dear Student

Yes, there are some protozoa which are beneficial too. Here are some examples but the details have not been mentioned as that will go beyond your level. You will study about these in your higher classes.

1. Some protozoans are useful for the aquatic and soil ecosystem. These protozoa live in polluted water, feed upon wastes and thus purify water.

2. Nummulites, a protozoan is used to form limestone.

3. Trichonympha and Colonumpha are the protozoan which lives in the gut of termites and help them in digestion of cellulose.

4. Some protozoan mainly found in association with oil deposits. Thus, there presence helps in locating t
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Microorganisms?and its?uses

Production of dairy products:?Bacteria?are the key players here. ...Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making bread to bring about the required fermentation.Alcoholic Drinks: ...Organic acids: ...Enzymes: ...Steroid production: ...Help in sewage treatment: ...Used?as insecticides:
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Microorganisms and its uses

1. Production of dairy products:?

Bacteria are the key players here. Bacteria help in?fermentation?which helps in making different forms of dairy products from milk like curd, buttermilk, butter, cheese.?Streptococcus is the most common genus of bacteria that are used in the commercial production of this product.

2. Bread Baking:

A species of?Streptococcus?is added to the dough before making bread to bring about the required fermentation.

3. Alcoholic Drinks:

Alcoholic drinks are prepared or manufactured by the process of fermentation. Each drink is derived from a different starting product such as potato and grapes. Then it is fermented, distilled and alcohol is prepared. The commonly used microorganism here is different types of fungus like yeast. Some even use bacteria and fungus. Alcoholic drinks include wine, rum, vodka etc.

4. Organic acids:

Organic acids are commercially prepared using fungi. Acetobacter, Rhizopus, Penicillium are a few fungi that are used to ferment substrates such as fruits and sugar-containing?syrups. Examples of?acids?that are derived and manufactured on a large scale using fungi are acetic acid, citric acid, gluconic acid, fumaric acid and lactic acid.

5. Enzymes:

Many microbes are used in the derivation of?enzymes?such as lipase, lactase, protease, peptidase to name a few.

6. Steroid production:

Some bacterial and fungal species are used in the preparation of steroids that are then injected into the human body for different purposes.

7. Help in sewage treatment:

Not only are microorganisms helpful to our body, they are also helpful to the environment. They help in the secondary treatment stage of sewage treatment.

8. Used as insecticides:

Certain bacterial and fungal species are used to keep certain insects and pests away from?crops.

9. Fertility of soil:

Microorganisms play a very important role in maintaining the fertility of the soil. They help in the composting process which forms manure. Also, microorganisms present in the soil help aerate it and enrich the soil with nitrates and other nutrients. These nutrients are needed by the crops for an abundant harvest.

10. Production of vitamins:

An essential vitamin that people need for proper digestion is Vitamin B 12. Fungi are responsible for manufacturing B12.

11. Production of antibiotics and antivirals:

Bacteria and viruses are isolated and their antigens and enzymes are extracted. These antigens help in the development of antibiotics and antivirals.

12. Biotechnology and research:

So many labs use bacteria, fungi and especially viruses for research studies. Non- virulent forms of these microorganisms are injected into subjects going through clinical trials. This in future helps in the development of medicines, vaccinations and cure for diseases. And DNA and RNA studies also make use of them.

It is important for us to know about microorganisms and its uses as they are both beneficial as well as harmful to other life forms. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem. Maintaining a balance between the ?good? and ?bad? microorganisms is the key to coexisting with them.
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Microorganisms are used in the production of alcohol,wine and acetic acid
Microorganisms are used for improving the soil fertility.
Microorganisms are used in cleaning up of the environment
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test of science class 7 and 8
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Microorganisms are divided into seven types: bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, viruses & multicellular animal parasites.
Microorganisms play important role in our daily life. They are helpful in different ways to us.

1. Lactobacillus bacteria is used in the formation of milk products like curd and cheese.

2. The yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Brewer's) is used in the production of beverages by fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices to produce ethanol.

3. Some antibiotics are produced by various microorganisms.
E.g., Penicillin: from Penicillium notatum.
Streptomycin: from Streptomyces griseus.

4. Microorganisms are also used as a source of several nutritional supplement
i.e., microbes as food supplements.
E.g., Chlorella & Spirulina (Protein, Food additive)

5. Several organic acid are produced by microorganism.
E.g., Citric acid: by fungus Aspergillus niger. Found in Lemon orange.
Kojic acid: by Aspergillus orzae. Its used as skin whitener.

6. Microbes also synthesise a large number of enzyme which a significant economic importance.
E.g., Rennin: by E.coli & Mucor which is used for cheese production.
Streptokinase: is an enzyme produced by streptococcus and modified by genetic engineering. It is used as clot buster for removing clots from blood vessel of the patient who have undergone myocardial infarction.

7. Microbes are used to produce insulin, growth hormone and antibodies.
E.g., Various strain of non-pathogenic Clostridium have shown to infiltrate and replicate within solid tumors.
Lactobacillus sp. has anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities.

8. Serum and vaccine produced by various microorganism are used to induce immunity among human beings.
The alkaloid ergotamine released from Claviceps purpurea stimulate uterine muscle to assist childbirth and controls used in uterine hemorrhage.
Cyclosporine-A derived from fungus trichoderma, polysporum. Statin that lowers LDL are produced from yeast.

9. Microbes in the production of biogas.
Biogas is a mixture of gas mainly CH4 produced by the microbial activity. Biogas is used for cooking and lighting.
Certain bacteria which grow an aerobically on cellulosic material produce large amount of methane along with CO2 and H2. Is bacteria collectively called Methanogens/methanobacterium.
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Microorganisms are very useful in our daily lives as they are used in ,Food: fermented or beverages. Medicines:To produce antibiotics, vaccines etc..,Industry:To produce pigments, acids , enzymes , to degrade harmful substances such as plastics ,etc....
*There are many uses of microorganisms in our daily lives.
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edward Jenner
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Microorganisms are very useful in our daily lives as they are used in:

Food: Fermented food and beverages.

Medicines: To produce antibiotics, vaccines, hormones etc.?

Industry: To produce pigments, acids, enzymes, biofertilizers, biopesticides, to degrade harmful substances such as plastic.

Biotechnology: To produce biofuels.

Waste treatment: Treatment of domestic and industrial waste.
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I can give only one use
1. Yeast is used for cooking
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Different uses of microorganisms are as follows -:
1) Baking
2) Producing wine and alcohol
3) Making of curd and yoghurt
4) Used in making bread
5) Used in making antibiotics
6) Those inside our body which are the good bacteria help in digestion and keeping the gut healthy
7) Pro biotic product consumption after antibiotic course helps in boosting immunity
8) Many health benefits like strengthening of the digestive system, muscular system, circulatory and skeletal system
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These can help u

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These can help you.

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Microorganisms are very helpful in our daily life :-
1. They help in production of antibiotics.
2. They help in making many medicines.
3. They help in production of food items ( making of curd ).
4. They help in keeping the environment clean .
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Microorganizms are very useful to us in the following ways:
1. Used in the form of antibiotics when you suffer from certain cold.
Eg. Tetracycline, streptromycine
2. An bateria convert milk to curd which we use. Eg. Lacto bacillus
3. Micro organizms convert the remains of dead plants and animals into humus. The presence of humus ensures that the nutrients of dead plant and animals are released back to the soil and consumed by the other leaving plants
(Through this process they act as cleaning agent in the forest)
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different uses of microorganism in daily life
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Microorganisms benefit us in a number of ways their uses can be devided in to four categories: commercial, medicinal , agricultural, and environmental.Let us discuss each of these in detail
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Yeast in bread , lacto bacillus in laxatives and fermented foods ......
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Cause after a limited period they will stop working then .....
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Lactobacillus bacteria milk gorm into curd
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Different uses of microorganisms in daily life are as follow
1 they are used in making curd
2 they are used in pizza dough
3 they are also used in making alcohol from ages
4 they make soil fertile
5 they help plants to take nitrogen from soil
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microorganisms are used in following ways-
used to make food items such as curd,bread,cheese,etc
in industries to make alcohal,wines,etc.
in agricultural lands in the form of fertilizers
as a source of food
and many more......
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Salmonella means a bacterium that occurs mainly in the gut, especially a serotype causing food poisoning.
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See this

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Yes i agree , because even the slightest amount of carelessness during milking the cow can lead to milk contamination which if consumed can prove to be quite fatal for health. This is one of the reasons why pasteurised milk is preferred over raw milk. The process of pasturisation involves heating milk at a particular temperature for a stipulated time to ensure killing of harmful bacteria that can cause severe damage to human health.
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Production of dairy products : bacteria are the key players hear
Alcoholic drinks
Organic acid
Steroid production
Help in sewage treatment
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Making curd etc.
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Uses of micro-organisms are=

Making the delicious food
Growing legumes
brewing beer,liquor and wine
Killing insects pests
treating sewage
contributing to medicine
improving agriculture
in air (degradation of dead cells shed
Symbiotic relation
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to make food like cud and yeast
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Microorganisms are used in different ways some of them are listed below -
- microorganisms are used in the fermentation of alcohol
-they are used for making cake {eg - yeast }
(Baker's yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
-they are used for making antibiotics
-Microbes are used to prepare vinegar.
-They help in various metabolic activities in our body.
-Certain microbes are also used in the biological
treatment of sewage .
-They increase soil fertility by fixing nitrogen of
-They act as cleaning agent and decompose the waste
products into manure .
-They destroy the plant and animal dead bodies by
decomposing them.
-Microorganisms are used to make wines.
-Microorganisms help in the preparation of curd, bread,
cake etc.
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There are very much uses of microorganisms some are good and also some are bad good microorganisms help us to make yoghurt from the milk and also some other dairy product but bad organisms spoil the food and also harm to the health this is the different uses of microorganisms in daily life where are various uses of microorganisms but I have listed only few of them thank you
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We eat curd....In curd some micro-organisms are found..then they change from milk into curd.
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1) Use of making a curd
Cleaning environment =cow dung and other animals west ,rotten vegetables convert into decomposition to manure
2)increase soil fertility
3)Commercial use
4)Making rava , soji ,bhaturas ,idli , dosa better
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1: In the food industry.
2: In medicine.
3: Agricultural use.
4: Environmental use
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There are many uses of microorganisms in food, medicine and industries some of these are-
- microorganism like lactobacillus os use to make curd.
- a substance called algin( made from algae) is use to make jelly and ice cream.
- a fungi yeast is used to prepare bread and wine.
-some microorganism are use to make antibiotics and vaccines e.g
pencillin ( made from pencillium notatum)

i think it is helpful to you
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In curd and many more food items
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They are used for making pastries, pickle, idli, ect
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1. Micro organisms are used in the production of alcohol, whine, and acedic acid Or venegar.

2. Micro organisms utilise for making bread, cake, curd etc.

3. Micro organisms are also used in the production of medicine ?? or antibiotic.

4. Micro organisms clean our environment by decompose organic matter of dead leaves, animal wastes into harmless and simple substance.

5. Micro organisms increase the fertility of soil by fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
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What are the major groups of microorganism
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it is used in making of curd lactobacillus bacteria and lactobacillus Bacteria is also used for making of cheese you can also use the lactobacilli you can also use the compiler bacteria which is also responsible for the making of cheese
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it can also be used in the making of called leg the lactobacillus bacteria we can use it in the making of cheese like the compiler bacteria me we can also use it in making the wine or beer like the vinegar a fungus
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what is sperm
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Micro-organisms?are also?used?in winemaking, baking, pickling, and other food-making processes. Alcoholic fermentation by yeast is widely?used?inthe?preparation of wine and bread. ... Antibiotics are chemicals produced bymicro-organisms?to kill?bacteria. Penicillin is an antibiotic made from Penicillium.
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Hi iam new student . My name is mirjufa ahmed
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This is your answer...

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This is another use .......

  • -1
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Microorganisms and its uses

Production?of dairy products: Bacteria are the key players here. ...

Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making?bread?to bring about the required fermentation.

Alcoholic Drinks: ...

Organic acids: ...

Enzymes: ...

Steroid?production: ...

Help in sewage treatment: ...

Used as insecticides:
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Please check

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The most popular method in our home is of using bacteria for making curd
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making curd.....making food items consisting of yeast instance of idli,dhokla...etc..
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Production?of dairy products: Bacteria are the key players here. ...

Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making?bread?to bring about the required fermentation.
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Production?of dairy products: Bacteria are the key players here. ...

Bread Baking: A species of Streptococcus is added to the dough before making?bread?to bring about the required fermentation.and.
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Write some of antibiotics medicine
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TCheers etle
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aerobic and anaerobic difference between
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?Microbes?like?bacteria?and fungi act on?the?bodies of dead plants and animals and convert them into simple substances. These substances are?used?by?otherplants and animals.
?Removal of dead bodies by?the?action ofmicrobes?keeps?our?planet clean.
?Bacteria?are also?used?in sewage treatment, where waste organic matter.
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Yes microorganisms are used in our daily life for making curd it is also, it is used in making biogas, it is used in food
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Microbes?like?bacteria?and fungi act on the bodies of dead plants and animals and convert them into simple substances. These substances are used by?other?plants and animals. Removal of dead bodies by the action of?microbes?keeps our planet clean.Bacteria?are also used in sewage treatment, where waste organic matter.
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Some microorganisms are useful like 1.lactobac for converting milk into curd.
2.Dicomposer are used to fertile the soil.
3.yeast are used to making bread,cakes,pasteries.
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Well there are many some of the common ones are:
  • Yougurt/curd
  • batter and many more
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It's your answer ok

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Microbes like bacteria and fungi act on the bodies dead plants and animal and convert them into simple substance
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The uses of microorganisms in our daily life is:
1)We can make tasty dishes like idli with the help of fermentation of yeast bacteria.
2)Microorganisms are used for creating antibiotics which gives us the immunity to fight against diseases.
3)Enzymes present in our body helps us in performing different body functions.
This is my first answer.Hope,you like it.
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what is Pentagon
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first almost have discipline
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A microscope
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Microorganisms are used in many ways such as :-
1. To make curd, cheese etc.. By the help of bacteria called lactobacillus

2. It also helps to make antibiotics
Example-penecillium, stepromycin etc...
3. Microorganisms also help to fix nitrogen for enrichment of soil. These microorganisms are called biological nitrogen fixers
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Mewati khan
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Kana pachane ke liye , dahi bnane ke liye
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1-they use are prepared for medicines.2-they used for made by vaccine 3-they use for agricultural implements 4-they used for making curd , pastry e.t.c..
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Mitti ke Ghade Mein Jal Thanda rahata Hai Kyon
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Production of antibiotics.
Production of diary products.
Production of alcoholic bevereges
Production of bread.
Production of food yeast.
Production of organic acids.
Production of vitamins.
Production of enzymes.
Thanks i think it may help u!!!!
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We can use micro organisms is :-
Bacteria viruses protozoa and some fungi and algae.
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How soil get affected by continuous plantation of crops in a field
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Microorganism change milk into curd by a bacterium lactobacillus.

It is used to prepare antibiotic

It is used to production of alcohol

Many commercial uses. Etc.
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lesson number 4 workbook in Sanskrit Standard 8
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What is a microorganism?
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Micro organisms? are? useful? to? us? in? many? ways.? For? example,

Bacterium? Lactobacillus? convert? milk? into? curd.

Bacteria? are? also? involved? in? the? making? of? cheese.

Acetobacter? aceti? is used? for? production? of? acetic? acid? from? alcohol.

Yeast? is? used? for? commercial? production? of? alcohol? and? wine.

Antibiotics? are? manufactured? by? growing? specific? microorganisms.

Some? bacteria? fix? atmospheric? nitrogen? and? increase? the? soil? fertility.

Bacteria? are? used? in? the? preparation? of? medicines.

Bacteria? are? used? in? the? formation? of? pickles? and? many? other? food? items.

Yeast? is? also? used? in? baking? industry? for? making? breads,? pastries? and? cakes

Hope so it was helpful Goodnight
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We use microorganisms daily in food making like bread , cakes , pastries and many more
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?????? ?????
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Idli and dosa
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Hy I am very ?.............? plzzz answer me
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Given below are the few uses of microorganisms:
Lactobacillus is used to form curd from milk. Rhizobium present in the roots of pulse plants fix nitrogen from the air and supply nitrogen compounds to the pulse plants. Micro-organisms are also used in winemaking, baking, pickling, and other food-making processe
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We can use microorganisms in daily life are 1.. we use to make curd by the help of bacteria 2...we can make bread and cake by it help

3... We can make pickle by use of microorganisms
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The term ?microorganisms? include bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. We almost always presume they are harmful to us. So this is because we read about how they cause diseases to both plants and animals including humans. But, it is a fact that microorganisms are useful to us in many ways. Microorganisms help in the production of many food items, making medicines, keeping the environment clean, in manufacturing and in research.
1. Production of dairy products
2. Bread Baking
3. Alcoholic Drinks
4. Organic acids
5. Enzymes
6. Steroid production
7. Help in sewage treatment
8. Used as insecticides
9. Fertility of soil
10. Production of vitamins
11. Production of antibiotics and antivirals
12. Biotechnology and research
13. Making vaccines
14. Making toothpaste
15. Making vinegar, coffee, and tobacco
16. Making curd and cheese
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what is cell
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microorganisms are used as following in daily life .
  • Preparing curd
  • Certain red algae are eaten in China Japan . They are sold as papery sheets .
  • Yeast are used in fermentation . They are also used for making of alcohol .
  • Bacteria are used in tanning or processing of leather .
  • Anti biotics are a whole group of medicines which are obtained from certain bacteria .
  • Bacteria living in the roots of leguminous plants convert atmospheric nitrogen into compounds which palnts can use .
  • Medicines like penicillin are obtained from moulds .
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Write 5921 in general form
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Microorganisms can be used in making curd, cake, digesting of food, and other daily products. The following images can also help you.

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Top 10 Uses of Microorganisms | Zoology
  • Use # 1. Production of Antibiotics:
  • Use # 2. Production of Dairy Products:
  • Use # 3. Production of Alcoholic Beverages:
  • Use # 4. Production of Bread making:
  • Use # 5. Production of Food Yeast:
  • Use # 6. Production of Organic Acids:
  • Use # 7. Production of Vitamins:
  • Use # 8. Production of Enzymes:
  • Use # 9. Production of Steroids
  • Use # 10. Production of Dextrans
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Fungi are plants that are not Green most feed on dead and rotat plant almost are fungi is multicellular
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Hey I wanna kill you
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1.To make curd from milk
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Microorganism are used to make vaccine
Microorganism are used to make curd with the help of lactobacillus bacteria
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Yes , daily life
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Apparently Microorganisms are essential input lives.
1. They are used in the commercial production of acetic acid, pickles, alcohol and bakery products
2. Used in the preparation of antibiotics
3. Cleanse the environment by decomposition
4. Manufacturing of Vaccinations
5. Help in digestion(E coli.)
6. Lactic aCid tablets
7. Sewage treatment
8. Energy production by Biogas
9. Nitrogen fixation
10. Manufacturing of certain chemicals
11. Preparation of cheese and curd
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Their are various kinds of uses of microorganisms in daily life:
1. Microorganisms such as bacteria,is used to convert milk into curd by the process of fermentation.

2. Yeast is used to make dough fluffy.

3. Microorganisms are also used to make antibiotics.

4. They are also used to make alcohol.

5. Kelp is an algae,which is used to make ice-creams and shaving-creams thick.
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Uses Of Microorganisms?In Our?Daily Life

Making curd and cheese: Do you know how curd is made at home? ...


Aim: To prepare curd. ...

Making alcoholic beverages: Production of alcoholic beverages like beer and wine involves fermentation of sugar present in barley and grapes, etc., by a microscopic fungus called yeast.
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Hope it's helpful for u

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Paheli thought of making curd. For this, she took lukewarm milk, mixed some curd into it
and stir well. She kept the mixture in fridge. Next day she observed that curd was not set.
Can you tell why the curd did not set?
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The different types of uses of microorganisms in daily life are : = In food beverage industry. = In making medicine and vaccines. = In agriculture. = In cleaning the environment.

Ex : Bacteria help us in making certain foods. ( lactobacillus is bacterium that sours milk and is used to make crude from milk.)

Yeast is to make fermentation if sugar and alcohol is produce.

Bacteria and fungi are used to make medicines and vaccines.

Some other different kinds Microorganisms are also used to make vaccines too.
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Microorganisms are used to prepare curd, cheese butteretc. They also help in decaying waste materials. They help us in fighting against bad bacteria and synthesize vitamin K for the body
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microorganism which cannot be see
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Used in Beverages , Bakery products , Citric acid production, Dairy products , Lactic acid production, Manure making Nitrogen fixiation
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They give us medicine ..

Hope this helps you
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A. Answer the following question.( short answer type)

1. Give two reasons why democracy is so popular?

Ans. The reasons of being the democracy so popular are:-
? the true essence of democracy is the rule of the people or there representatives .
? In a democracy, people have the power to elect their leaders.
? Thus, the participate in the process of governance directly through their elected representatives

2. Differentiate between a democratic and monarchial form of government.

Ans. Democratic form of government is a government where people have power to elect their representative and the electric candidate words for the Welfare of the people.
Monarchial form of government is a system where the rulers or Monarch has the power to do anything he/ she want to do and also the post of Monarch are hereditary, they do not follow any rule.

3. What were the three events that paved the way of modern democracy?

Ans. The three went that paved the way of modern democracy are:-
? introduction of Magna Carta in Britain for limiting the powers of king. It gave the power from the monarch to the common people.
? North America declared themselves Independent from Britain in 1776 and adopted democratic constitution in 1787.
? In 1789, taking inspiration from the British colonies there was a revolution in France which gave the power from Kings and novels to common people.

4. Why do we need a constitution?

Ans. Constitution is above everyone in a country. The constitution gives certain rights to the citizens which ensure that the government cannot misuse its power.

5. What do you understand by 'Rule of Law' ?

Ans. Rule of law is the base of the idea of equality. In a democracy, irrespective of whichever party comes in administration or whoever heads the country, rules have to be in accordance of constitution.
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1. Arigulture Industry: Used to describe the animals and plants and other organic materials to produce fertilizer.
2. Food Industry: Manufacturing Lounge, Tempe, Fermentation and Bread.
3. Medical Industry: Used in medicine and control infections.
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Antibodies (also known as Immunoglobulins) are proteins. They bind to any foreign organisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungus and further stimulate our immune system to release toxins that may kill these organisms. These are released by B- lymphocytes of the human body.?

An antibody is a Y-shaped structure comprising four polypeptides i.e. two heavy chains and two light chains. The structure is such so as to allow the antibodies to perform their dual functions of?antigen binding and mediation of biological activity.?k
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Microorganisms help in the production of food items, making medicines, keeping the environment clean , in manufacturing and in research.

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Microorganisms helps us in many ways:-

i) They help in the formation of curd
ii) They are used in winemaking,baking and other food process.
iii) They helps us in the alcohol fermentation.
iv) They are used to increase the soil fertility.
v) They helps us in the production of antibiotics.
vi) They reduce the pollution in environment.
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Microorganisms help us in making of bread and cake by the microorganism yeast
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There should not be overuse of antibiotics as their overuse may make the antobiotic less effective when you might need it in future.

Hope it helped
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There should not be overuse of antibiotics as their overuse may make the antobiotic less effective when you might need it in future.

Hope it helped
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The microscopic unicellular micro-organisms having circular DNA in a region called nucleoid as well as a few organelles of which none are surrounded by an envelope. They are prokaryotes. Only some bacteria cause diseases while others are useful in nature.?

Another fascinating feature of bacteria is their protective?cell wall, which is made up of a special protein called peptidoglycan. This particular protein isn?t found anywhere else in nature except in the cell walls of bacteria.

But few of them are devoid of this cell wall, and others have a third protection layer called capsule. On the outer layer, one or more flagella or pili is attached, and it functions as a locomotory organ. Pili can also help certain bacteria to attach themselves to the host?s cells. They do not contain any cell organelle as in animal or plant cell except for ribosomes.

Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis. In addition to this DNA, they have an extra circular DNA called plasmid. These plasmids make some strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
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