differentiate between balanced and unbalanced forces..i understood the topic clearly but i need a definition..pls help..

Balanced force means the net force acting on the body is zero. Whereas, when the net force acting on a body is non zero, the force is called unbalanced force. 

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Balanced force:

(1) Equal Force acting in opposite direction(in the end the total force acting on the body is 0). 
(2) Produce a change in shape.

Unbalanced Force:

(1) Unequal Forces acting on the body giving a net force of more than 0
(2) Produce change in state of motion. 

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 Balanced forces are forces on a object that cause the net force to be zero. Unbalanced forces do not cause a change in motion or acceleration.

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thnx :)))))))))

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thnx :)))))))))

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thnx :)))))))))

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thnx :)))))))))

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thnx :)))))))))

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 oops...sry..it came multiple times...it was a mistake..pls dnt giv dislikes

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It is an unbalanced force...consider this definition of a balanced force... Two forces that are equal in size and opposite in direction. Balanced forces have a net force of zero. Two forces exert the same amount of force on an object, causing no change in motion. Two equal forces give off the same amount of force on an object. . When 2 objects are balanced there is no motion. So when you hit the can of beans with a hammer, there is nothing on the 'other side' of the can of beans to balance that force so it is considered an unbalanced force. I hope this helps.

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